Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
探知機 たんちき detector, locatormix
交通機関 こうつうきかん transportation facilitiesmix
組み合わせ くみあわせ combinationmix
変態 へんたい (1)transformation/metamorphosis/ (2)abnormality/pervert/(P) adj, suru
横転 おうてん turning sideways, barrel rollsuru
周年 しゅうねん whole year, anniversarymix
青信号 あおしんごう green lightmix
常連 じょうれん (1)regular customer, regular patron, frequenter, (2)constant companion mix
終電 しゅうでん last trainryokou
間違える まちがえる to make a mistakeichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
有難うございます ありがとうございます (uk) thank youmix
利用 りよう use/utilization/utilisation/application/(P)jlpt3, jlpt4
部首 ぶしゅ radical (of a kanji character)bunpou
Je zvyklá být vhůru celou noc.mix
採る とる (1)to adopt (measure, proposal), (2)to pick (e.g. fruit), to catch (e.g. insects), to take (e.g. a sample), (3)to assume (attitude), (4)to take on (i.e. hire), to engage godan, verb, vtrans