Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
火力 karjoku heating power, steam powermix
銀行員 ginkouin bank employeeshigoto
合い方 aikata (musical) accompanimentongaku
方言 hougen dialekt, nářečíbunpou, leda1
私は大学生です。 watašihadaigakuseidesu. I'm student of collage.kaiwa
春分 šunbun jarní rovnodenostleda1, toki
入門書 njuumonšo primer, manual, introductory bookmix
試合 šiai gamejlpt4, sport
観点 kanten point of viewmix
努力家 dorjokuka hard worker, hardworking personmix
一歩 ippo jeden krokleda1
分速 funsoku speed per minute
大福 daifuku (1)great fortune, good luck, (2)(abbr) rice cake stuffed with bean jam mix
飲酒運転 inšuunten drunken drivingbaka
客間 kjakuma přijímací pokoj, salonleda1, uchi