Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
うま horsedoubutsu, leda1
龍神 りゅうじん Ryuujin, dragon, as well as god of the seakami
かたな swordsensou
いぬ dogdoubutsu, jlpt5
子馬 こうま foaldoubutsu, leda1
きん goldkagaku
arrowleda1, sensou
みどり greeniro, jlpt4
りょう (1)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon), (2)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology); (3)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon), (4)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology), (3 mix
さむらい samuraisensou
弓なり ゆみなり ohyb, obloukleda1
あか rediro, jlpt5
お金 おかね moneyjlpt5, leda1
白バイ しろバイ police motorcycleryokou
かみ kami, spiritual essencekami, leda1
ぎん silverkagaku
金銀 きんぎん gold and silverkagaku
りゅう (1)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon)/ (2)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology); (n) (3)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon)/ (4)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mytholog kami
childhito, jlpt4
赤み あかみ reddish tinge/tinge of red/slight redness/blushmix
青白い あおじろい modrobílý, zelenobílý, bledýiro, leda1
白ワイン しろワイン white wineryouri
青い あおい blue, pale, green, unripe, inexperiencedadj, iro, jlpt5
銀メダル ぎんメダル silver medalmix
馬鹿馬鹿しい ばかばかしい stupidadj
いち onejlpt5
馬鹿 ばか idiotbaka
赤えい あかえい stingraydoubutsu
(uk) (col) (id) idiot!baka
赤ちゃん あかちゃん babyhito, jlpt4