Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kuruma car, vehicle, wheeljlpt5, leda1, ryokou
inu dogdoubutsu, jlpt5
雨男 ameotoko man whose presence seems to cause rainmix
hanaši talk, storyjlpt5, leda1
男の子 otokonoko boyhito, jlpt5
手入れ teire (1)repairs, maintenance, tending, trimming, grooming, (2)crackdown, (police) raid suru
東大 toudai Tokyo Universitynamae
一ヶ月 ikkagecu one monthtoki
mijako capital citymix
東口 higašiguči east exitryokou
ši (num) fourjlpt5, mix
日中 niččuu den, během dneleda1, toki
migi right hand sidejlpt5, mix
お兄さん oniisan (honorable) older brotherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
上人 šounin buddhistický svatýkami, leda1
hon book, mainjlpt5
田中 tanaka Tanakanamae
水田 suiden rice fieldleda1, shizen
王子 oudži princeleda1
女子 džoši girl, Ms.hito, leda1
~中 ~čuu in (the middle of), within, during, whilejlpt5
一日中 ičiničidžuu throughout the daytoki
ue above, on top of, up, upper part, surfacejlpt5
火口 kakou kráterleda1, shizen
山林 sanrin mountain forestleda1, shizen
上手 kamite horní část, horní tokleda1
十四 džuujon 14math
jon fourjlpt5
下らない kudaranai (uk) good-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthlessadj
man (num) 10,000, ten thousand, (adv) myriads, alljlpt5