Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
音楽映画 ongakueiga musical (film)ongaku
画く kaku (1)to draw, to paint, to sketch, (2)to depict, to describe; (3)to draw, to paint, to sketch godan, verb, vtrans
動物 doubucu animaldoubutsu, jlpt5
切れる kireru (1)to cut well/to be sharp/ (2)to break (off)/to snap/to wear out/ (3)to be injured/ (4)to burst/to collapse/ (5)to be disconnected/to be out of/to expire/to sever (connections) with/ (6)to be shrewd ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
写真 šašin photographjlpt5, mix
都度 cudo each (every) time/whenever/(P)leda1
歌声 utagoe singing voicemix
近世 kinsei moderní doba, novověkleda1, toki
親しむ šitašimu to be intimate with, to befriendgodan, verb, vintrans
別に becuni (1)(not) particularly, nothing, (2)separately, apart jlpt3