Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
住宅 じゅうたく residence, housing, residential buildingleda1, uchi
上体 じょうたい upper bodymix
~家 ~か the familyjlpt4, kazoku
いずみ springshizen
売れる うれる (1)to sell (well), (2)to be well known, to be popular, to be famous ichidan, verb, vintrans
平方 へいほう squaremath
公園 こうえん park (public)jlpt5, leda1
昨日 きのう yesterdayjlpt5, toki
年代 ねんだい období, generace, věkleda1, toki
少しも すこしも anything of, not one bit (with negative sentence)jlpt3
明太子 めんたいこ walleye pollack roe (generally served salted and spiced with red pepper)ryouri
中心 ちゅうしん center, corejlpt3, leda1
週休二日 しゅうきゅうふつか dva volné dny v týdnuleda1
活け花 いけばな flower arrangementmix
せき barrier, gate; (hon) (abbr) honorific added to names of makuuchi and juryo division sumo wrestlersmix
山道 やまみち mountain pathleda1, ryokou, shizen
足元 あしもと at one's feet, underfootmix
みなみ southjlpt5
代える かえる (1)to replace, (2)to exchange, to interchange, (3)to substitute ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
Má kuchyň i záchod.heya
着く つく to arrive at, to reachgodan, jlpt5, verb
区間 くかん část, intervalleda1
上手く うまく (1)skilfully, skillfully, well, aptly, cleverly, (2)successfully, smoothly, (3)deliciously mix
雪祭り ゆきまつり snow festivalmix
聞き取り ききとり náslech, poslechleda1
終わる おわる to finish/to end/to close/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
Na Měsíci tráva neroste.shokubutsu
名所 などころ; めいしょ (1)famous place, (2)name of a part (of an instrument, etc.), (3)name and address; (4)famous place mix
平ら(な) たいら(な) rovný, plochýadj, leda1
花祭 はなまつり Flower Festivalkami