Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
島国 しまぐに island country (sometimes used as a metaphor for Japan)/(P)leda1
あの頃 あのころ in those daysmix
何度か なんどか several times, one or twicemix
州立大学 しゅうりつだいがく state-run college, state universitymix
治める おさめる (1)to govern, to manage, (2)to subdue ichidan, verb, vtrans
女子高 じょしこう girls' schoolgakkou, leda1
名人 めいじん master, expertmix
手動 しゅどう manual (operation)mix
開ける はだける (1)(uk) to open, to bare, to expose, (2)to stretch ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
毎年 まいねん every year, yearly, annuallyjlpt5, toki