Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
温かい水は「湯」と言います。 atatakai mizu ha 「 yu 」 to iimasu. Teplá voda se nazývá „ju“.onsen
受け手 ukete (referring to a person) receiver, receiving side, viewer, listenermix
着く tsuku to arrive at, to reachgodan, jlpt5, verb
女中 jochuu maidshigoto
二階 nikai second flooruchi
hotoke buddhakami, leda1
黒い kuroi blackadj, iro
鼻がでる hana ga deru runny nosebyouki
聞き手 kikite (1)hearer, listener, audience, (2)interviewer, questioner mix
部下 buka subordinate personshigoto