Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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意図 ito intention/aim/designleda1, suru
意向 ikou intention/idea/inclination/(P)leda1
意図的 itoteki intentional, on purposemix
興味 kyoumi interestjlpt3, jlpt4
利子 rishi interest (bank)mix
利息 risoku interest (bank)mix
面白い omoshiroi interestingadj, leda1
界面 kaimen interfacemix
国際 kokusai internationaljlpt3, jlpt4
国際的 kokusaiteki internationalmix
国際法 kokusaihou international lawsmix
通訳 tsuuyaku interpretation (i.e. oral translation)jlpt3, suru
疑問文 gimonbun interrogative sentencemix
交差点 kousaten intersectionjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
面接 mensetsu interviewjlpt3, jlpt3, shigoto
面接官 mensetsukan interviewer (for job, school, etc. interviews)mix
chou intestinehito
情交 joukou intimacy, sexual intercourseai, suru
仲良し nakayoshi intimate friend, close friend, bosom buddy, chummix
親しい shitashii intimate, close (e.g. friend)jlpt3
自動詞 jidoushi intransitive verbbunpou
州内 shuunai intrastatemix
中出し nakadashi intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculationai, suru
導入 dounyuu introduction, bringing in, leading in, installationsuru
内気な uchikina introvertadj, emo
無効 mukou invalid, no effect, unavailable, illegalmix
在庫 zaiko inventory, stock, stockpilemix
逆様 sakasama inversion, upside downmix
取調べ torishirabe investigation (e.g. by police or prosecutors), examination, inquiry, enquirymix
調査 chousa investigation, examination, inquiry, enquiry, surveyjlpt3, suru
投資 toushi investmentsuru
招待 shoutai invitejlpt4
発動 hatsudou invoke (law), put into operationsuru
tetsu ironkagaku
鉄器時代 tekkijidai Iron Agemix
鉄山 tetsuzan iron minemix
鉄鉱 tekkou iron orekagaku
不整脈 fuseimyaku irregular pulse, arrhythmiamix
不規則動詞 fukisokudoushi irregular verbbunpou
変則 hensoku irregularitymix
石川県 ishikawaken Ishikawa prefecture (Hokuriku area)namae
shima islandjlpt4, leda1, shizen
島国 shimaguni island country (sometimes used as a metaphor for Japan)/(P)leda1
等辺三角形 touhensankakukei isosceles trianglemix
品目 hinmoku item/commodity/list of articles/(P)leda1
岩手県 iwateken Iwate prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
一月 ichigatsu januaryleda1, toki
日本 nihon Japannamae
日本 nippon Japannamae
日独 nichidoku Japan and Germany, Japanese-Germanmix
日本放送協会 nipponhousoukyoukai Japan national broadcasting company, NHK; Japan national broadcasting company, NHKmix
日本語 nihongo japanesemix
国語 kokugo Japanesegakkou, leda1
日本軍 nihongun Japanese Armysensou
和製英語 waseieigo Japanese broken Englishmix
和服 wafuku Japanese clothesmix
日本の丸 nihonnomaru Japanese flagmix
和食 washoku Japanese foodryouri
日本食 nihonshoku Japanese food, Japanese mealryouri
旅館 ryokan Japanese innjlpt4
日本画 nihonga Japanese paintingmix
日本人 nihonjin Japanese personmix
訓読み kun'yomi japanese reading of characterleda1
日本式 nihonshiki Japanese stylemix
和風 wafuu Japanese style/(P)leda1
日本刀 nihontou japanese swordsensou
着物 kimono Japanese traditional dressjlpt4
半紙 hanshi Japanese writing paper used for calligraphymix
和独 wadoku Japanese-German (e.g. dictionary)mix
日本庭園 nihonteien Japanese-style garden, traditional Japanese landscape gardenmix
和室 washitsu Japanese-style room/(P)uchi
文机 fudukue Japanese-style writing deskmix
親日家 shinnichika Japanophilemix
水母 kurage jellyfishdoubutsu
宝玉 hougyoku jewelmix
日本語能力試験N3 nihongo nouryoku shiken n3 JLPT N3jlpt3
日本語能力試験N4 nihongo nouryoku shiken n4 JLPT N4jlpt4
日本語能力試験N5 nihongo nouryoku shiken n5 JLPT N5jlpt5
就職活動 shuushokukatsudou job hunting, job searchingshigoto
入部 nyuubu joining a clubsuru
入社 nyuusha joining a companyleda1, shigoto
関節 kansetsu joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)hito
日誌 nisshi journal, logmix
雑誌 zasshi journal, magazinejlpt5
喜び yorokobi joy/delight/rapture/pleasure/gratification/rejoicing/congratulations/felicitations/(P)jlpt3
裁判官 saibankan judgeshigoto
判定 hantei judgement, judgment, decision, award, verdict, determinationsuru
判決 hanketsu judicial decision, judgement, judgment, sentence, decreesuru
中学校 chuugakkou junior high schoolgakkou, jlpt4, leda1
中卒 chuusotsu junior high school or middle school graduatemix
中学生 chuugakusei junior high school studentgakkou
木星 mokusei Jupiter (planet)/(P)leda1
少々 shoushou just a minuteleda1
計画通り keikakudoori just as plannedmix
昼過ぎ hirusugi just past noon, afternoontoki
正義 seigi justice, right, righteousness, correct meaningseiji
神楽 kagura Kagura, Shinto theatrical dancekami
kami kami, spiritual essencekami, leda1
神風 kamikaze kamikazekami
仮名 kana kana, Japanese syllabarybunpou
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