Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
ou kingleda1
一分 ippun 1 minutetoki
上下 džouge nahoře a doleleda1
ko childhito, jlpt4
dareka somebodyjlpt5
耳たぶ mimitabu ušní lalůčekhito, leda1
食あたり šokuatari food poisoningbyouki
人生 džinsei human lifeleda1
見つかる micukaru be foundgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
san (num) threejlpt5, mix
入り口 iriguči vchod, vjezdleda1
日食 nitšoku zatmění Slunceleda1, shizen
大人 otona adultjlpt5, leda1
生地 seiči (1)cloth, material, texture, (2)one's true character, (3)unglazed pottery, (4)uncooked dough, batter; birthplace mix
入る hairu to enter, to join, to containgodan, jlpt5, verb
好く suku to like/to love/to be fond ofgodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
小テスト šoutesuto quiz, small testmix
あだ名 adana nicknamesuru
動かす ugokasu (1)to move, to shift, to operate, to set in motion, to mobilize, to mobilise, (2)to inspire, to rouse, to move (e.g. feeling), to influence, (3)to deny, to change godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
大小 daišou (1)sizes (various), large and small, (2)daisho (matched pair of long and short swords), (3)large and small drums, (4)long months and short months mix
あの人が食べているのはなんですか。 ano hito ga tabeteiru no ha nan desuka. Co jí tamten člověk?ryouri
誰でも daredemo (uk) anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, whoevermix
二十日 hacuka twenty days, twentieth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
dži characterjlpt4, leda1
地下の čikano subterraneanshizen
入場 njuudžou admissionryokou
夕べ juube večerleda1, toki
先(の) saki(no) přední, dřívější, nedávnýleda1
町中 mačinaka centrální část městaleda1
父母 fubo rodiče, tatínek a maminkakazoku, leda1