Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
最終日 さいしゅうび last day, final daymix
先頭 せんとう head/lead/vanguard/first/(P)leda1
点線 てんせん dotted line/perforated lineleda1
成銀 なりぎん Promoted silver generalShogi
丸木橋 まるきばし log bridgeleda1
小さな ちいさな smalladj, jlpt4
冷める さめる (1)to become cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to come down (fever), (2)to cool down (interest), to abate, to subside, to dampen ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
南口 みなみぐち south exitryokou
物質 ぶっしつ nature, propertymix
明らか あきらか obvious, evident, clear, plainmix
空前 くうぜん unprecedented, record-breakingmix
敗戦 はいせん defeat, losing a warsuru
何度 なんど how many times?, how often?mix
ふん minutetoki
不親切 ふしんせつ unkindness, unfriendlinessmix
積む つむ to pile up, to stack, to load (car, ship, etc.), to packgodan, jlpt3, verb
空っぽ からっぽ prázdnýleda1
死ぬ しぬ to diegodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
学芸 がくげい arts and sciences, liberal artsmix
健康な けんこうな healthyadj, jlpt3
海神 わたつみ Watatsumi, dragon, as well as god of the seakami
以外 いがい with the exception ofjlpt4
チェコ鉄道 チェコ てつどう Czech Railwaysnamae
見様 みよう point of view, way of seeingmix
伝聞 でんぶん pověst, fámaleda1
女子高 じょしこう girls' schoolgakkou, leda1
育つ そだつ to be raised (e.g. child), to be brought up, to grow (up)godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
たち pluralizing suffix (esp. for people & animals; formerly honorific)mix
度々 たびたび (uk) often, repeatedly, frequentlymix
Budeš mě učit japonsky?mix