Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
金メダル kinmedaru gold medalmix
外す hazusu vyjmout, sundat, uvolnitgodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
体内 tainai inside the body/(P)adj, leda1
gou (1)number/edition/make/model/issue/part of that group/ (2)sobriquet/pen-name/(P) leda1, math
当日 toudžicu that dayleda1, toki
四時 jodži 4 o'clocktoki
雑用 zacujou odd jobs, miscellaneous, other, etc.mix
明治 meidži Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30)
地下の čikano subterraneanshizen
気さくな kisakuna frankadj, emo
林業 ringjou forestrymix
送る okuru to sendgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
ken prefecturemix
発言 hacugen výrok, prohlášení, projevleda1
料理が作ってあります。 rjouri ga cukutte arimasu. Jídlo je uvařeno.ryouri