Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
アメリカ軍 アメリカぐん U.S. forces, American militarysensou
割く さく (1)to cut up, to cleave, to cut open (esp. the abdomen), (2)to spare (time, money, etc.), to use part of something, (3)(arch) to have a tattoo in the corner of one's eye godan, verb, vtrans
亡い ない deadadj
みなもと source, origin; source, originmix
縮む ちぢむ to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size); to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size)godan, verb, vintrans
あ段 あだん 'a' rowbunpou
値段 ねだん price, costmix
刻む きざむ (1)to mince, to cut fine, to chop up, to hash, (2)to carve, to engrave, to chisel, to notch, (3)to tick away (time), to record the passing moments, (4)to etch (into one's mind), to remember distin godan, verb, vtrans
延びる のびる to be postopnedichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
はい lunghito
お腹 おなか stomachhito, jlpt5
うら reverse sidejlpt4
つくえ deskgakkou, jlpt5, uchi
分の ぶんの denominator bun no numerator (in writing common fractions), X Yth's (Y bun no X)jlpt3, math
誤る あやまる (1)to make a mistake, to err, (2)to mislead, to misguide godan, verb, vintrans
降誕 こうたん birth (regal), nativitysuru
白い しろい whiteadj, iro, jlpt5
分冊 ぶんさつ jeden svazek (z více svazků), jeden díl leda1
分ける わける to divide/to separate/to make distinctions/to differentiate (between)/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
除く のぞく to remove, to exclude, to exceptgodan, verb, vtrans
~冊 ~さつ counter for volumes, copiescounter, jlpt5
若しかしたら もしかしたら (uk) perhaps/maybe/perchance/by some chance/by any chance/(P)jlpt3
敬う うやまう to show respect, to honour, to honorgodan, verb, vtrans
わけ reasonjlpt3, jlpt4
たまご egg(s), spawn, roe, (an expert) in the makingjlpt5, ryouri
たから treasuremix
傷つける きずつける (1)to wound, to injure, (2)to hurt someone's feelings (pride, etc.), (3)to damage, to chip, to scratch ichidan, verb, vtrans
俳優 はいゆう actor, actress, player, performerjlpt3
若しかすると もしかすると (uk) perhaps/maybe/by some chance/(P)jlpt3
頂く いただく (1)(hum) to receive, to get, to accept, to take, to buy, (2)(hum) (pol) to eat, to drink, (3)to be crowned with, to wear (on one's head), to have (on top), (4)to have (as one's leader), to live un godan, verb, vtrans