Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
Je to lehké na pochopení.mix
敬う うやまう to show respect, to honour, to honorgodan, verb, vtrans
頂く いただく (1)(hum) to receive, to get, to accept, to take, to buy, (2)(hum) (pol) to eat, to drink, (3)to be crowned with, to wear (on one's head), to have (on top), (4)to have (as one's leader), to live un godan, verb, vtrans
誠に まことに indeed, really, absolutely, truly, actually, very, quitemix
きん goldkagaku
Okno se zavřelo.mix
ばい dřevěný roubíkmix
お宅 おたく your house (polite)jlpt4, uchi
たて length,heightjlpt5