Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
窓が閉まった。 mado ga shimatta. Okno se zavřelo.mix
尊厳 songen dignity, majesty, sanctitymix
100分の5 hyakubunnogo 5/100math
暮らす kurasu (1)to live, to get along, (2)to spend (time) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
~庁 ~chou úřad, agentura ~mix
干す hosu (1)to air, to dry, to desiccate, (2)to drain (off), (3)to drink up, (4)to deprive of a role, job, etc. (usu. in the passive) godan, verb, vtrans
優れる sugureru to surpass, to outstrip, to excelichidan, verb, vintrans
届ける todokeru to deliverichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
訳す yakusu to translate/to interpret/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
縮む chidimu to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size); to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size)godan, verb, vintrans