Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
からだ bodyhito, jlpt5, leda1
腹ひれ はらひれ pelvic findoubutsu
肉眼 にくがん (1)naked eye/ (2)(Buddh) the physical eye/(P) leda1
足りない たりない (1)insufficient/not enough/lacking/ (2)dim-witted/slow/one brick short of a full load adj
ゆび fingerhito, jlpt4
あし leg, pawdoubutsu, hito, jlpt5
くび neckhito, jlpt4, leda1
手がかり てがかり (1)clue, key, trail, scent, track, contact, (2)handhold, on hand mix
かしら (1)head/ (2)top/ (3)hair (on one's head)/ (4)top structural component of a kanji/(P) leda1
手足 てあし ruce a nohyhito, leda1
かみ hairhito, jlpt4
目指し めざし (1)aim, goal, purpose, (2)look, eyes, expression of eyes mix
あたま headhito, jlpt5, leda1
歯ブラシ はぶらし toothbrushuchi
足首 あしくび anklehito, leda1