Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
売れる うれる (1)to sell (well), (2)to be well known, to be popular, to be famous ichidan, verb, vintrans
こと věc, záležitostleda1
眠い ねむい sleepyadj, mix
仕事 しごと work, job, occupationjlpt5, leda1, shigoto, suru
寝室 しんしつ bed roomuchi
散る ちる (1)to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves), (2)to scatter, to be dispersed, (3)to disappear, to dissolve, to break up, (4)to spread, to run, to blur, (5)to die a noble death godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
商う あきなう (1)to sell, (2)to handle, to trade in godan, verb, vtrans
寝る ねる to lie down, to sleepichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
様式 ようしき style, form, patternmix
運ぶ はこぶ to bringgodan, jlpt4, verb