Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
同族 どうぞく same family (race, tribe)mix
南西 なんせい southwest; southwestmix
利く きく (1)to be effective, to show effect, (2)to do its work, to carry out its function well, (3)to be possible to use godan, verb, vintrans
地区 ちく městská čtvrť, oblastleda1
立ち止まる たちどまる zastavit se (náhle)godan, leda1, verb
白黒 しろくろ (1)black and white, monochrome, (exp,vs) (2)good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence iro
行動 こうどう chování, jednáníleda1
とお 10, tenjlpt5
洋服屋 ようふくや tailor's (shop), dressmaker's shop, tailor, dressmakermise
好きなように すきなように as you want, as you willmix
おとこ manhito, jlpt5
四分 よんぷん 4 minutestoki
建て たて (1)indicates storeys, structures, or materials used in a building, (2)indicates denomination (after a currency) mix
Když vlezl do domku, dostal šok.akazukinchan
別れ わかれ parting/separation/farewell/(lateral) branch/fork/offshoot/division/section/(P)jlpt3
Ten supermarket by měl být zítra zavřený.mix
働き者 はたらきもの hard worker, hardworking personmix
青年 せいねん mladík, chlapechito, leda1
městská část (v adresách)leda1
長雨 ながあめ long spell of rainleda1, shizen, tenki
駅員 えきいん station attendant/(P)leda1, ryokou, shigoto
以下 いか ~ or less than,not more thanjlpt4, leda1
Je to zvíře se čtyřma nohama.doubutsu
木立 こだち les, háj, skupinka stromůleda1, shizen
古本屋 ふるほんや antikvariátleda1
明太子 めんたいこ walleye pollack roe (generally served salted and spiced with red pepper)ryouri
海外 かいがい zámoří, cizinaleda1, ryokou
Druhů je málo.mix
都市 とし town/city/municipal/urban/(P)adj, jlpt3, leda1
行使 こうし use/exerciseleda1, suru