Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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甘い amai sweetadj, jlpt5
甘美 kanbi sweet (e.g. fruit, melody, dream), lusciousmix
甘夢 kanmu sweet (pleasant) dreamsmix
白酒 shirozake sweet white sakeleda1
甘味 amami sweetness, sugary tastemix
お菓子 okashi sweets, candyjlpt5, ryouri
水泳 suiei swimmingjlpt4, leda1, sport
泳法 eihou swimming stylemix
水着 mizugi swimsuitfuku
katana swordsensou
刀刃 toujin sword blademix
刀剣 touken sword, dagger, knife, bayonetmix
剣士 kenshi swordsman, swordswoman, fencermix
刀工 toukou swordsmithmix
記号 kigou symbol/code/sign/notation/(P)adj, leda1
象徴的 shouchouteki symbolicmix
交響曲 koukyoukyoku symphonyongaku
合成 gousei synthesis, composition, synthetic, composite, mixed, combined, compoundsuru
合成洗剤 gouseisenzai synthetic detergentmix
総合的 sougouteki synthetic, comprehensivemix
制度 seido system, institution, organization, organisationmix
体系 taikei system, organization, organisation, architecturemix
足袋 tabi tabi, Japanese socks (with split toe)mix
高原 kougen tableland/plateau/(P)leda1
禁句 kinku taboo wordmix
戦術 senjutsu tacticsmix
洋服屋 youfukuya tailor's (shop), dressmaker's shop, tailor, dressmakermise
高橋 takahashi Takahashinamae
高天原 takamagahara Takamagahara, High Plain of Heavenkami
シャワーを浴びる shawa- wo abiru take a showermix
世話 sewa take care ofjlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
薬を飲む kusuriwonomu take medicinebyouki, godan, verb
離陸 ririku takeoffsuru
便乗 binjou taking advantage of a ride or an opportunity, taking a shipsuru
受験 juken taking an examinationsuru
拉致 rachi taking captive, carrying away, kidnapping, kidnaping, abductionsuru
服用 fukuyou taking medicine, dosingsuru
避難 hinan taking refuge, finding shelter, evacuation, escapesuru
雨宿り amayadori taking shelter from rainleda1, suru
物語 monogatari tale, storymix
講演 kouen talkmath
hanashi talk, storyjlpt5, leda1
語る kataru talk, tellgodan, verb, vtrans
背か高い segatakai talladj
高い takai tall, high, expensiveadj, jlpt5, leda1
田中 tanaka Tanakanamae
切線 sessen tangent (in trigonometry)mix
接ベクトル setsubekutoru tangent vectormath
蜜柑 mikan tangerineryouri
軍車 gunsha tank (military vehicle)sensou
道教 doukyou Taoism, Daoism; (uk) (col) tiger beetle (esp. the Japanese tiger beetle, Cicindela japonica)kami
aji tastejlpt4, ryouri
旨い料理 umairyouri tasty dishmix
刺青 irezumi tattoohito
脱税 datsuzei tax evasionsuru
免税 menzei tax exemption, duty exemptionsuru
増税 zouzei tax increasesuru
減税 genzei tax reductionsuru
免税所得 menzeishotoku tax-free incomemix
税金 zeikin tax, dutyjlpt3
課税 kazei taxationsuru
テイラー展開 teira- tenkai taylor expansionmath
cha tearyouri
お茶 ocha tea (green)jlpt5, ryouri
茶畑 chabatake tea plantationmix
教師 kyoushi teacher (classroom)gakkou, shigoto
先生 sensei teacher, master, doctorgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
教員免許 kyouinmenkyo teacher's license (licence) (required to teach in preschool, elementary or secondary schools)mix
教え oshie teaching, instruction, teachings, precept, lesson, doctrinejlpt3
湯のみ yunomi teacupjlpt3, ryouri
悪戯 itazura tease, prank, trick, practical joke, mischiefjlpt3
術語 jutsugo technical term, terminology, nomenclaturemix
技術 gijutsu techniquejlpt4
退屈 taikutsu tedium/boredom/(P)mix
テレビ放送 terebihousou telecastmix
電報 denpou telegramjlpt4
電話 denwa telephonedenki, jlpt5, leda1, uchi
電話回線 denwakaisen telephone linemix
望遠鏡 bouenkyou telescopemix
放映 houei televisingsuru
テレビ番組 terebibangumi television program, tv programmix
他言する tagonsuru telling others/revealing to others/letting out a secretleda1, suru, verb
温度 ondo temperaturejlpt3, tenki
体温 taion temperature, body temperature (human, animal)mix
tera templejlpt3, jlpt4, kami
派遣社員 hakenshain temporary workershigoto
仮設 kasetsu temporary, provisionalmix
誘惑 yuuwaku temptation, allurement, lure, seductionsuru
一旬 ichijun ten daysmix
十日 tooka ten days, the tenth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
天狗 tengu Tengu, heavenly dogskami
天神 tenjin Tenjin, god of scholarshipkami
庭球 teikyuu tennismix
緊張 kinchou tension, mental strain, nervousnessjlpt3, suru
照り焼き teriyaki teriyaki (meat or fish marinated in sweet soy sauce and broiled)ryouri
用語 yougo termmath
画面 gamen terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photojlpt3
終着駅 shuuchakueki terminal station/(P)leda1
終点 shuuten terminus, last stop (e.g. train)ryokou
棚田 tanada terraced rice-fieldsmix
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