Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
重視 じゅうし importance, stress, serious considerationsuru
繰り返す くりかえす to repeat, to do something over againgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans, vtrans
問う とう (1)to ask/to question/to inquire/ (2)to charge (i.e. with a crime)/to accuse/ (3)to care (about)/ (4)without regard to (with negative verb)/(P) godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
奇数 きすう odd numbermath
虫歯 むしば tooth decaybyouki
Nechám dceru učit se na kytaru.mix
停電 ていでん power outage, electricity outage, blackout, failure of electricity supplyjlpt3, suru
料理 りょうり cooking cuisinejlpt5, ryouri
決済 けっさい settlement, payment of accountsuru
四季 しき four seasonstenki
遅番 おそばん the late shiftshigoto
言葉 ことば word(s), phrase, language, speechjlpt5, leda1
運動 うんどう exercise, sportsport
Měl jsem si vzít deštník.tenki
市長 しちょう mayorleda1, shigoto