Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
太る futoru to grow fatgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
料理する ryourisuru to cookryouri, suru, verb
前後 zengo (1)front and rear, front and back, before and behind, (2)before and after, (3)order, context, (4)consequences, (n,vs) (5)inversion, reversion, getting out of order, (6)co-occurring, (n-suf,n) (7 mix
名前 namae namejlpt5, leda1
明い akarui bright, light, cheerful, sunnyadj, emo, jlpt5
古風 kofuu old customs/old style/(P)adj, leda1
出入口 deiriguchi exit and entranceryokou
意外な igai na unexpected, surprisingjlpt3
本人 honnin the person himselfjlpt3
大の字に dainojini sprawled, spread-eagled, in the shape of the "dai" kanjimix