Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji いっき (abbr) drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer)
kanji はしる to run
kanji はなしあう diskutovat
kanji あきらかな clear
kanji ばんごう number/series of digits/(P)
kanji ながくて きいろい マフラー を しています。 Má na sobě dlouhou žlutou šálu.
kanji あと afterwards, since then, in the future
kanji けんがく field trip
kanji こんしゅう this week
kanji ふらんすご French language
kanji しいん (ling) consonant
kanji しょうがつ new year’s day
kanji きゅうこう školní volno
kanji BぶんのA A / B (fraction)
kanji もんばん vrátný
kanji とうじつ that day
kanji らくえん pleasure garden, paradise
kanji たいこく large country, major powers
kanji なきやむ to stop crying, to cry oneself out
kanji だいぶ very, many, a lot
kanji いちばん best, first
kanji ひがし east
kanji えいしゃ projection
kanji くろまめ černé sójové boby
kanji ぶんし the numerator