Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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文学 bungaku literaturegakkou, jlpt3, jlpt4
少しずつ sukoshizutsu little by littlemix
赤頭巾ちゃん akazukinchan Little Red Riding Hoodakazukinchan
少し sukoshi little, few, somethingjlpt5, leda1
生活する seikatsusuru livejlpt4
生放送 namahousou live broadcastmix
実弾 jitsudan live bullets, live ammunition, ball cartridge, moneymix
肝臓 kanzou liverhito
居間 ima living roomleda1, uchi
生活 seikatsu living, life (one's daily existence), livelihoodjlpt3, suru
地元のビール jimotonobi-ru local beerbaka, ryouri
下宿 geshuku lodgejlpt4, uchi
合宿 gasshuku lodging together, training camp, boarding housesuru
丸木 maruki logleda1, mix
丸木橋 marukibashi log bridgeleda1
長い nagai longadj, jlpt5
細長い hosonagai long and narrow/(P)adj, leda1
長雨 nagaame long spell of rainleda1, shizen, tenki
大刀 daitou long swordsensou
太刀 tachi long swordsensou
長話 nagabanashi long talksuru
長年 naganen long time, many yearstoki
長母音 chouboin long vowelbunpou
遠方 enpou long way, distant place; long way, distant placemix
長そで nagasode long-sleeved shirtfuku
宿願 shukugan longstanding desiremix
失明 shitsumei loss of eyesightsuru
迷子 maigo lost (stray) childmix
ai loveai, jlpt3
koi loveai
動物愛 doubutsuai love for animalsmix
愛酒 aishu love of alcohol, drinkermix
向学心 kougakushin love of learningleda1
恋物語 koimonogatari love storymix
愛好 aikou love, adorationsuru
愛情 aijou love, affectionmix
大好き daisuki love, to like a lotai, jlpt5
恋愛 ren'ai love/love-making/passion/emotion/affections/(P)ai, jlpt3, suru
愛人 aijin loverai
愛犬家 aikenka lover of dogsmix
おしどり夫婦 oshidorifuufu loving couple, couple of lovebirds, happily married couple (who are always together)mix
下様 shimozama lower classes, common peoplemix
下顎 shitaago lower jawhito
幸福 koufuku luckmix
お弁当 obentou lunch boxjlpt5, ryouri
昼休み hiruyasumi lunch break, noon recessjlpt4
hai lunghito
大山猫 ooyamaneko lynxdoubutsu
鳴戸 naruto maelstrom, vírtenki
魔法 mahou magic, witchcraft, sorcerykami
女中 jochuu maidshigoto
本線 honsen main lineryokou
中央駅 chuuoueki main stationmix
主に omoni mainly, primarilymix
大半 taihan majority, mostly, generallymix
~年 ~nen makes preceding number a yearjlpt5, toki
実用化 jitsuyouka making practical or useful, implementationsuru
男性 dansei malejlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
陰口 kageguchi malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill behind someone's backkaiwa
ほ乳動物 honyuudoubutsu mammaldoubutsu
otoko manhito, jlpt5
男の人 otokonohito manhito, leda1
夫妻 fusai man and wife, married couplemix
男女 danjo man and woman, men and womenmix
雨男 ameotoko man whose presence seems to cause rainmix
hito man, person, human being, mankindhito, jlpt5
人類 jinrui mankind, humantityhito
礼儀 reigi manners/courtesy/etiquette/(P)jlpt3
手動 shudou manual (operation)mix
加工 kakou manufacturing, processing, treatment, machiningsuru
原稿 genkou manuscript, copymix
多い ooi manyadj, jlpt5, leda1
何度も nandomo many times over, oftenmix
多く ooku many, much, largely, abundantly, mostlyjlpt3
地図 chizu mapjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
kaede mapleshokubutsu
雌馬 mesuuma maredoubutsu
目印 mejirushi mark, sign, landmarksuru
マーケティング部 ma-keteィngubu marketing departmentshigoto
結婚 kekkon marriageai, jlpt5
婚礼 konrei marriage ceremony, weddingmix
恋愛結婚 ren'aikekkon marriage from loveai
お見合い結婚 omiaikekkon marriage matchmakingai
火星 kasei Mars (planet)/(P)adj, leda1
名人 meijin master, expertmix
力作 rikisaku masterpieceleda1
母性愛 boseiai maternal lovemix
数学モデル suugakumoderu mathematical modelmath
数理 suuri mathematicsmath
数学 suugaku mathematicsgakkou, jlpt4, math
行列 gyouretsu matrixmath
最大化 saidaika maximization, maximisationsuru
市長 shichou mayorleda1, shigoto
迷路 meiro maze, labyrinth, blind alleymix
niku meatjlpt5, leda1, ryouri
肉汁 nikujuu meat soup, bouillon, juices (from grilled meat); meat soup, bouillon, juices (from grilled meat)mix
医学部 igakubu medical facultymix
医学 igaku medical sciencejlpt4
kusuri medicinebyouki, jlpt5
薬品 yakuhin medicine/chemicals/(P)leda1
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