Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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風神 fuujin Fuujin, god of the windkami
足下 ashimoto gait, step, underfootleda1
強風 kyoufuu galetenki
大風 ookaze gale, strong windsmix
競技 kyougi game, match, contestsuru
niwa gardenjlpt5, uchi
園遊会 en'yuukai garden partymix
庭園 teien garden, parkmix
庭師 niwashi gardenermix
mon gatejlpt5, leda1
集まり atsumari gathering, meeting, assembly, collectionjlpt3
宝石 houseki gem, jewelmix
大体 daitai general, substantially, outline, main point, approximately, aboutjlpt3
世代 sedai generationleda1
天才 tensai geniusleda1
本物 honmono genuine articleleda1
地理学 chirigaku geographygakkou
地理 chiri geography, geographical featuresgakkou, jlpt4
地質 chishitsu geologyshizen
接近 sekkin getting closer, drawing nearer, approachingsuru
幽霊話 yuureibanashi ghost storymix
幽霊 yuurei ghost, specter, spectre, apparition, phantommix
岐阜県 gifuken Gifu prefecture (Chuubu area)namae
少女 shoujo girlhito, leda1
女の子 onnanoko girlhito, jlpt5
女子 joshi girl, Ms.hito, leda1
女子高 joshikou girls' schoolgakkou, leda1
やり取り yaritori giving and taking/exchange (of letters)/arguing back and forth/(conversational) exchange/(P)jlpt3, suru
氷河 hyouga glaciershizen, tenki
化物 bakemono goblin, apparition, monster, ghost, phantom, spectre, specter; (n) goblin, apparition, monster, ghost, phantom, spectre, specterkami
神様 kamisama God/(P)kami, leda1
女神 megami goddesskami, leda1
出勤 shukkin going to work, at worksuru
kin goldkagaku
金メダル kinmedaru gold medalmix
黄金 ougon gold; (n,adj-no) gold; (n,adj-no) gold; goldmix
金魚 kingyo goldfishdoubutsu, leda1
良い yoi goodadj, jlpt5
今晩は konbanha good eveningkaiwa
fuku good fortunemix
丈夫 joubu good health, robustness, strong, solid, durable, hero, gentleman, warrior, manly personadj, jlpt5
好機 kouki good opportunity, chancemix
令聞 reibun good reputation, famemix
政府 seifu government, administrationseiji
品位 hin'i grace/dignity/grade/nobility/quality/(P)leda1
学年 gakunen grade (academic year)gakkou, leda1
大学院生 daigakuinsei graduate studentmix
文法 bunpou grammarbunpou, jlpt4
祖父 sofu grand fatherjlpt4, kazoku
祖母 sobo grand motherjlpt4, kazoku, leda1
mago grandchildjlpt3
孫娘 magomusume granddaughtermix
孫息子 magomusuko grandsonmix
kusa grassjlpt4, leda1, shokubutsu
草原 sougen grass-covered plain/grasslands/meadows/savannah/prairie/steppe/(P)leda1
引力 inryoku gravitymix
灰色リス haiirorisu gray squirreldoubutsu
多幸 takou great happinessmix
最大 saidai greatest, largest, maximummix
midori greeniro, jlpt4
緑色の midoriirono greenadj, iro
青竹 aodake green bambooleda1
グリーン車 guri-nsha green car (1st class)ryokou
八百屋 yaoya greengrocerjlpt5, leda1, mise, shigoto
灰色 haiiro grey, gray, asheniro
乾物屋 kanbutsuya grocery storemise
tsuchi groundshizen
集団 shuudan group, massmix
han group, party, section (mil)mix
成長 seichou growth, grow to adulthoodjlpt3, suru
kyaku  guestjlpt4
お客さん okyakusan guest, visitor, customershigoto
群馬県 gunmaken Gunma prefecture (Kantou area)namae
火薬 kayaku gunpowder, powdermix
俳句 haiku haiku poetry (17-syllable poem usually in 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables)mix
kami hairhito, jlpt4
髪の毛 kaminoke hairhito, leda1
後ろ髪 ushirogami hair in backhito
ke hair or furdoubutsu, hito, jlpt4, leda1
髪形 kamigata hair style, coiffure, hairdohito
無毛 mumou hairlessmix
半分 hanbun halfjlpt5, leda1
han halfjlpt5
半分 hanpun half minutejlpt5, toki
半音 han'on half tone (music)ongaku
半年 hantoshi half yeartoki
岩塩 iwashio; gan'en halite, rock salt; halite, rock saltmix
円光 enkou halomix
te handhito, jlpt5
取っ手 totte handle/grip/knob/(P)mix
美男 binan handsome manleda1
美少年 bishounen handsome youth (male)/pretty boyhito
羽田 haneda Haneda Airportnamae
幸い saiwai happiness, blessednessmix
幸せ shiawase happiness, good fortune, luck, blessingmix
幸せな shiawase na happyadj, jlpt3
言い難い iigatai hard to say, inexpressible, hesitant to say; hard to say, inexpressible, hesitant to sayadj
働き者 hatarakimono hard worker, hardworking personmix
調和 chouwa harmonysuru
和声 wasei harmony, concord, consonanceongaku
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