Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
僕は母にチーズを食べさせられました。 boku ha haha ni či-zu wo tabesaseraremašita. Matka mě přinutila jíst sýr.ryouri
食文化 šokubunka food culture, dietary culture, cuisinemix
昔の人は当時にカボチャを食べると長生きすると言う。 mukašinohitohatoudžinikabočawotaberutonagaikisurutoiu. Staří lidé říkají, že kdo jí dýni o zimním slunovratu, bude dlouho žít.baka
海外 kaigai zámoří, cizinaleda1, ryokou
bai double, two timesjlpt3, jlpt4
気さくな kisakuna frankadj, emo
黄金 ougon gold; (n,adj-no) gold; (n,adj-no) gold; goldmix
上下 džouge nahoře a doleleda1
安かったら、買います。 jasukattara,kaimasu. Když to bude levné, koupím si to.mix
長雨 nagaame long spell of rainleda1, shizen, tenki
当たり前 atarimae (1)natural, reasonable, obvious, (2)usual, common, ordinary jlpt3
表す arawasu (1)to reveal, to show, to display, (2)to express, (3)to represent, to signify, to stand for, (4)to make widely known godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
他方 tahou (1)one (esp. of two)/the other/one way/the other way/one direction/the other direction/one side/the other side/one party/the other party/(conj) (2)on the other hand/(P) adj, leda1
上映 džouei (1)screening (a movie), showing, (vs) (2)to screen a movie mix
七面鳥 šičimenčou turkeydoubutsu
中々 nakanaka considerablyjlpt4
女人 njonin woman (arch.)hito, leda1
私服 šifuku civilian clothes, plain clothesfuku
彼ら karera theyjlpt4
一分 ippun 1 minutetoki
思い omoi thought, mind, heart, feelings, emotion, sentiment, love, affection, desire, wish, hope, expectation, imagination, experiencejlpt3
図形 zukei figure, shape, graphicmix
止める jameru to stopichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
大丈夫 daidžoubu all right, O.K., no problemjlpt5
本屋 hon'ja bookstoreleda1, mise
寝間着 nemaki pyjamasfuku
気品 kihin (1)elegance/refinement/grace/dignity/ (2)aroma leda1
生卵 namatamago syrové vejceleda1, ryouri
好み konomi liking, taste, choicemix
日本中 nihondžuu po (celém) Japonskuleda1, ryokou