Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
下手 へた unskillful, poor, awkwardadj, jlpt5, leda1
部屋代 へやだい room rentjlpt3, uchi
果て はて the end, the extremity, the limit, the limits, the resultmix
よじ上る よじのぼる to climb, to clamber (over, up), to scramble (up), to scale, to claw one's way upgodan, verb, vintrans
生き恥 いきはじ living in disgracemix
夜景 やけい night viewmix
伝票 でんぴょう chit, sales slip, vouchermix
生誕 せいたん birth, nativitysuru
重さ おもさ weight/(P)mix
猫車 ねこぐるま wheelbarrowmix
王家 おうけ royal familyall, seiji
Zapnout topení.mix
目指す めざす to aim at, to have an eye ongodan, verb, vtrans
受験 じゅけん taking an examinationsuru
態度 たいど attitude, manner, behaviourjlpt3