Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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小島 kojima small island/islet/(P)leda1
小さい世界 chiisaisekai small worldmix
小さい chiisai small, littleadj, jlpt5
お八つ oyatsu snackryouri
金魚草 kingyosou snapdragonshokubutsu
yuki snowjlpt5, tenki
雪のひとひら yukinohitohira snowflaketenki
雪だるま yukidaruma snowmanmix
社会 shakai societyjlpt4, leda1
先ほど sakihodo some time ago, not long ago, just nowmix
mono someone of that nature/someone doing that work; person (rarely used w.o. a qualifier)/(P); person (rarely used w.o. a qualifier)leda1
時々 tokidoki sometimesjlpt5
何か食べる物 nanika taberu mono someting to eatryouri
近々 chikadika soon, nearness, before long; soon, nearness, before longmix
oto soundjlpt4, leda1, ongaku
minami southjlpt5
南米 nanbei South Americamix
南北 nanboku south and northmix
南口 minamiguchi south exitryokou
南東 nantou; minamihigashi southeast; southeastmix
南西 nansei southwest; southwestmix
大豆 daizu soya beanleda1, ryouri, shokubutsu
空間 kuukan spaceleda1, math
火花 hibana spark/(P)leda1
大安売り ooyasuuri special bargain salemix
ほうれん草 hourensou spinach ryouri
自立心 jiritsushin spirit of self-reliance, feeling of independencemix
意気 iki spirit, heart, dispositionmix
ki spirit, mindjlpt4, leda1
大の字に dainojini sprawled, spread-eagled, in the shape of the "dai" kanjimix
haru springjlpt5, leda1, toki
広場 hiroba squareleda1
馬小屋 umagoya stableleda1
切手 kitte stampjlpt5, leda1
林立 rinritsu stand close togethersuru
主食 shushoku staple foodmix
hoshi starjlpt4, leda1
星空 hoshizora starry sky/(P)leda1
始動 shidou starting (in machines), activationsuru
eki stationjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
駅員 ekiin station attendant/(P)leda1, ryokou, shigoto
駅長 ekichou station master (rail)leda1, shigoto
ワゴン車 wagonsha station wagonmix
赤えい akaei stingraydoubutsu
chikara strength, powerjlpt4, leda1
強い tsuyoi strong, powerful, mighty, potentadj, jlpt5, math
力持ち chikaramochi strongmanleda1
学生 gakusei studentgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
勉強 benkyou study, discount, reductiongakkou, jlpt5
目下 meshita subordinate, subordinates, inferior, inferiors, junior; at present, nowshigoto
地下の chikano subterraneanshizen
地下道 chikadou subterranean tunnelmix
不意 fui sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseenmix
natsu summerjlpt5, leda1, toki
夏休み natsuyasumi summer vacation, summer holidayjlpt5, leda1, toki
日光 nikkou sunshinetenki
目上 meue superior/superiors/senior/(P)jlpt3, jlpt3
夜食 yashoku supper/night meal/late-night snack/"fourth meal"/midnight snackleda1
白鳥 hakuchou swandoubutsu
白酒 shirozake sweet white sakeleda1
katana swordsensou
刀工 toukou swordsmithmix
世話 sewa take care ofjlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
物語 monogatari tale, storymix
hanashi talk, storyjlpt5, leda1
語る kataru talk, tellgodan, verb, vtrans
高い takai tall, high, expensiveadj, jlpt5, leda1
田中 tanaka Tanakanamae
aji tastejlpt4, ryouri
先生 sensei teacher, master, doctorgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
電話 denwa telephonedenki, jlpt5, leda1, uchi
テレビ番組 terebibangumi television program, tv programmix
十日 tooka ten days, the tenth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
用語 yougo termmath
終点 shuuten terminus, last stop (e.g. train)ryokou
肉体 nikutai the body/the flesh/(P)adj, leda1
分母 bunbo the denominatormath
終わり owari the endjlpt3, jlpt4
~家 ~ka the familyjlpt4, kazoku
saki the future, forward, priority, precedence, former, previous, old, latejlpt5, toki
さ来月 saraigetsu the month after nextjlpt4, toki
分子 bunshi the numeratormath
本人 honnin the person himselfjlpt3
会場 kaijou the place of meetingjlpt4
さ来週 saraishuu the week after nextjlpt4, toki
太もも futomomo thighhito
mono thing, objectjlpt5
用事 youji things to dojlpt4
第三者 daisansha third party/third person/outsider/disinterested person/(P)leda1
本年 honnen this (current) yearjlpt3, toki
今月 kongetsu this monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
今朝 kesa this morningjlpt5, toki
この度 konotabi this occasion, at this time, nowmix
今回 konkai this timetoki
今週 konshuu this weekjlpt5, leda1, toki
今年 kotoshi this yearjlpt5, toki
思い omoi thought, mind, heart, feelings, emotion, sentiment, love, affection, desire, wish, hope, expectation, imagination, experiencejlpt3
ito threadjlpt4
三つ mittsu threejlpt5
三日 mikka three days, the third day of the monthjlpt5, toki
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