Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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写真家 shashinka photographershigoto
光子 koushi photonmix
体調 taichou physical conditionmix
体育 taiiku physical educationgakkou, leda1, sport
物理法則 butsurihousoku physical law, laws of physicsmix
体力 tairyoku physical strengthjlpt3, leda1
外界 gaikai physical world, the externals; physical world, the externalsmix
物理学者 butsurigakusha physicistshigoto
物理 butsuri physicsgakkou, jlpt3
人相 ninsou physiognomy, looks, countenancemix
香の物 kounomono pickled vegetablesryouri
お新香 oshinko pickled vegetables, picklesryouri
絵本 ehon picture bookmix
e picture, paintingjlpt5, math
buta pigdoubutsu
子豚 kobuta pigletdoubutsu
顔料 ganryou pigment, colorantmix
色素 shikiso pigment, coloring, colouringmix
豚足 tonsoku pigs feetryouri
火柱 hibashira pillar of fire, blazing columnmix
matsu pineshokubutsu
松林 matsubayashi pine forestleda1, shizen
卓球 takkyuu ping-pongsport
桃色の momoirono pinkadj, iro
ピンク色の pinkuirono pinkadj, iro
kuda pipe, tube; pipe, tubemix
海賊旗 kaizokuki pirate flagmix
海賊船 kaizokusen pirate shipmix
海賊 kaizoku pirate, sea robbermix
哀れみ awaremi pity, compassionmix
tokoro placejlpt5
置き場 okiba place for something, storehousemix
地名 chimei place namenamae
位置 ichi place, situation, position, locationsuru
地味な jimi na plainjlpt3
平原 heigen plainshizen
地味 jimi plain, simple, subdued, sobermix
無地 muji plain/unfigured/(P)jlpt3
原告 genkoku plaintiff, accuser, prosecutormix
計画 keikaku planjlpt3, jlpt4
間取り madori plan of a house, arrangement of roomsjlpt3
企み takurami plan, design, artifice, trick, intriguemix
企図 kito plan, project, schemesuru
予定 yotei plans/arrangement/schedule/program/programme/expectation/estimate/(P)jlpt4, leda1, suru
植物 shokubutsu plantshokubutsu
農園 nouen plantationmix
草木 kusaki plants/vegetation/(P)leda1
お皿 osara plate, dishjlpt5, ryouri
一皿 hitosara plate/dish (of food)leda1
芸人 geinin player, performer, actormix
快適 kaiteki pleasant, agreeable, comfortablemix
嬉しい ureshii pleasedadj, emo
気に入る kiniiru pleasedemo
楽園 rakuen pleasure garden, paradisekami
楽しみ tanoshimi pleasure, joyjlpt3, jlpt4
千鳥 chidori ploverdoubutsu
梅酒 umeshu plum wineryouri
配管工 haikankou plumbershigoto
多元的 tagenteki pluralism, pluralitymix
tachi pluralizing suffix (esp. for people & animals; formerly honorific)mix
肺炎 haien pneumoniabyouki
shi poem, verse of poetrymix
詩家 shika poetmix
詩人 shijin poetshigoto
詩的 shiteki poeticmix
切っ先 kissaki point of a swordsensou
観点 kanten point of viewmix
見様 miyou point of view, way of seeingmix
ten point, mark, gradejlpt4, leda1, math
doku poisonbyouki
毒物 dokubutsu poisonbyouki
毒薬 dokuyaku poisonmix
毒蛇 dokuhebi poisonous snake, poisonous serpent; poisonous snake, poisonous serpentmix
有毒 yuudoku poisonous, toxicmix
北極グマ hokkyokuguma polar beardoubutsu
警察 keisatsu policejlpt3, jlpt4
警部 keibu police inspectorshigoto
白バイ shirobai police motorcycleryokou
警官 keikan policemanjlpt4, shigoto
警察官 keisatsukan policemen, policeman, police officermix
洗練された senren sareta polish, refinementall
洗練 senren polish, refinementsuru
丁重 teichou polite, courteous, hospitablemix
政治 seiji politicjlpt4, seiji
政局 seikyoku political situationmix
政治家 seijika politicianshigoto
政治と政府 seiji to seifu politics and governmentseiji
花粉 kafun pollenleda1, shokubutsu
公害 kougai pollution, public nuisance, contaminationmix
多辺形 tahenkei polygonmix
多項式 takoushiki polynomialmath
多神教 tashinkyou polytheismmix
ike pondjlpt5, leda1, shizen
貧しい家 mazushiiie poor familymix
貧民 hinmin poor peoplemix
貧者 hinja poor personmix
貧しい mazushii poor, needyadj
可哀相 kawaisou poor, pitiable, pathetic, pitifulmix
人気 ninki popularadj, jlpt3, leda1
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