Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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soto other place, the restjlpt5, leda1
hoka other place, the restjlpt5
通路 cuuro passage, pathway, roadway, avenue, aislemix
momo peachjlpt3, ryouri, shokubutsu
期間 kikan period, term, intervaljlpt3
定期的 teikiteki periodicmix
ピンク色の pinkuirono pinkadj, iro
桃色の momoirono pinkadj, iro
kuda pipe, tube; pipe, tubemix
無地 mudži plain/unfigured/(P)jlpt3
気に入る kiniiru pleasedemo
白バイ širobai police motorcycleryokou
と金 tokin Promoted pawn ("tokin")Shogi
紫色の murasakiirono purpleadj, iro
recu queue/line/row/column/sequence/string/train/(P)jlpt3, ryokou
速い hajai quickadj, jlpt5
無口な mukučina quietadj, emo
赤い akai redadj, iro, jlpt5
aka rediro, jlpt5
紅白 kouhaku red and white, colours for festive or auspicious occasions (colors)iro
赤ワイン akawain red wineryouri
赤み akami reddish tinge/tinge of red/slight redness/blushmix
に関して nikanšite related to, in relation tomix
申告 šinkoku report, statement, filing a return, notificationsuru
miči road, way, methodjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
路線 rosen route, line, alignmentryokou
通学 cuugaku school commutinggakkou, ryokou
学会 gakkai scientific society/academic meeting/academic conference/(P)gakkou
seki seatjlpt4, ryokou
座席番号 zasekibangou seat numberryokou
二等車 nitouša second class carriageryokou
学期 gakki semestergakkou
七つ nanacu sevenjlpt5
浅い asai shallow, superficialadj, jlpt3, jlpt4
社会 šakai societyjlpt4, leda1
先ほど sakihodo some time ago, not long ago, just nowmix
時々 tokidoki sometimesjlpt5
特に tokuni speciallyjlpt3, jlpt4
時速 džisoku speed (per hour)mix
速やか sumijaka speedy, prompt, smoothmix
ki spirit, mindjlpt4, leda1
eki stationjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
到着駅 toučakueki station of arrival, destinationryokou
ワゴン車 wagonša station wagonmix
赤えい akaei stingraydoubutsu
通り toori street, wayjlpt4, ryokou
水着 mizugi swimsuitfuku
高い takai tall, high, expensiveadj, jlpt5, leda1
税金 zeikin tax, dutyjlpt3
ča tearyouri
お茶 oča tea (green)jlpt5, ryouri
omote the frontjlpt4
saki the future, forward, priority, precedence, former, previous, old, latejlpt5, toki
券売機 kenbaiki ticket machineryokou
ken ticket, coupon, bond, certificatemix
時間 džikan timejlpt5, leda1, toki
通勤時間 cuukindžikan time spent in commutingryokou, shigoto
時刻表 džikokuhjou timetableryokou
目ざす mezasu to aim at, to have an eye ongodan, verb, vtrans
着く cuku to arrive at, to reachgodan, jlpt5, verb
行われる okonawareru to be done, to be practiced, to be practised, to take place, to be held, to be prevalent, to be in fashion, to be in vogue, to be current, to come into useichidan, verb
高くつく takakucuku to be expensive, to be costlygodan, verb
定まる sadamaru to become settled, to be fixedgodan, verb, vintrans
通勤する cuukinsuru to commuteshigoto, suru, verb
通う kajou to commutegodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, ryokou, verb, vintrans
関する kansuru to concern, to be relatedsuru
定める sadameru to decide, to establish, to determineichidan, verb, vtrans
防ぐ fusegu to defend (against), to protect, to preventgodan, verb, vtrans
行う okonau to dogodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, verb
入学する njuugakusuru to enter school or universityjlpt4, suru, verb
入る hairu to enter, to join, to containgodan, jlpt5, verb
消す kesu to erase, to delete, to turn off powergodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
転ぶ korobu to fall down, to fall over; to fall down, to fall overgodan, verb, vintrans
釣る curu to fishgodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
消える kieru to go out, to vanish, to disappearichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
急ぐ isogu to hurry (up)godan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans, vtrans
告げる cugeru to informichidan, verb, vtrans
入社する njuušasuru to join a companyshigoto, suru, verb
通す toosu to let pass, to overlook, to continue, to keep, to make way for, to persist ingodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
無くす nakusu to lose something, to get rid ofgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
会う au to meet, to interviewgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
動く ugoku to movegodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
気づく kidzuku to notice/to recognize/to recognise/to become aware of/to perceive/to realize/to realisegodan, verb
通る tooru to pass, to go alongjlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
入れる ireru to put in, to take in, to bring in, to let inichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
救う sukuu to rescue from, to help out of, to savegodan, verb, vtrans
通じる cuudžiru to run to, to lead to, to communicate, to understand, to be well-informedichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
申す mousu to say (polite)godan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
売る uru to sellgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
勤める cutomeru to serve, to fill a post, to work (for), to exert oneself, to endeavor, be diligent, to play (the part of)ichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
座る suwaru to sitgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
着る kiru to wear, put on (from shoulders down)fuku, ichidan, jlpt5, verb
書く kaku to writegodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
番線 bansen track numberryokou
列車 retša train (ordinary)/(P)jlpt3, ryokou
旅行会社 rjokougaiša travel agent, travel agencyryokou
旅行 rjokou travel, tripjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
tabi travel, trip, journey; 500-man battalion (Zhou-dynasty Chinese army)suru
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