Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
開ける akeru to openichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
ki tree, woodjlpt5, shokubutsu
wataši I (informal)jlpt5
三頭 santou tři (zvířata)leda1
明るい akarui brightadj, leda1
上がる agaru (1)to rise/to go up/to come up/to ascend/to be raised/ (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors)/to come in/to go in/ (3)to enter (a school)/to advance to the next grade/ (4)to get out (of water)/to come asho godan, verb, vintrans
上人 šounin buddhistický svatýkami, leda1
見なくてもいいです。 minakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš se (na to) koukat.mix
暖かいです。 atatakai desu. It's warm. tenki
大人 otona adultjlpt5, leda1