Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
お手洗い otearai toilet, restroom, lavatory, bathroom (US)jlpt5
売り上げ uriage amount sold, sales, proceeds, takingsmix
代表作 daihjousaku masterpiece, representative workmix
退職する taišokusuru to resignshigoto, suru, verb
互いに tagaini mutually, with each other, reciprocally, togetherjlpt3
打ち合わせ učiawase business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment, preparatory meetingshigoto, suru
天使的な tenšitekina angelicadj
金色 kin'iro zlatá barvairo, leda1
知る širu to know, to understand, to be acquainted with, to feelgodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
超える koeru (1)to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of), (2)to exceed ichidan, verb, vintrans
šima islandjlpt4, leda1, shizen
超音波 čouonpa ultrasonic wavesmix
相変わらず aikawarazu as ever, as usual, the samejlpt3
笑顔 egao smiling facehito
途中 točuu on the wayjlpt4
一曲 ikkjoku tune (melody, piece of music)ongaku
商店街 šoutengai nákupní centrum, ulice s mnoha obchodyleda1
流行語 rjuukougo buzzword, vogue word, popular phrase, word (phrase) in fashion or on everybody's lipsmix
太刀 tači long swordsensou
驚く odoroku to be surprisedgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
常連客 džourenkjaku regular customermix
交際中 kousaičuu in a relationshipmix
指数関数 šisuukansuu exponentialmath
にも関らず nimokakawarazu in spite of, neverthelessmix
留守番 rusuban (1)care-taking/house-sitting/house-watching/ (2)caretaker/house-sitter/(P) leda1, suru
朝、シャワーを浴びたほうがいいです。 asa,šawa- wo abita hou ga ii desu. Je lepší dát si sprchu ráno.mix
期待外れの kataihazureno disappointingadj
春になりました。 haruninarimašita. Je tu jaro.shizen
新規 šinki (1)new, fresh, (2)new customer, (3)new rules or regulations mix
番組 bangumi program (e.g. TV)jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1