Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
失格 šikkaku disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal)suru
お昼 ohiru noontoki
店とショッピング mise to šoppingu shops and shoppingmise
丁子 čoudži clovemix
この小説は全部で三部から成っている konošousecuhazenbudesanbukaranatteiru anglicky
賛成の人は手を挙げてください。 sansei no hito ha te wo agete kudasai. Lidé, kteří souhlasí, zvedněte ruku, prosím.mix
関東地方 kantoučihou oblast Kantóleda1, namae
退ける širizokeru to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the way; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the wayichidan, verb, vtrans
足元 ašimoto at one's feet, underfootmix
食料品 šokurjouhin foodsjlpt4, ryouri
差し上げる sašiageru givejlpt4
仕える cukaeru to serve, to work for, to attendichidan, verb, vintrans
地下道 čikadou subterranean tunnelmix
ka (1)lesson/ (2)section (in an organization)/division/department/(ctr) (3)counter for lessons and chapters (of a book)/(P) leda1
象虫 zoumuši weevildoubutsu