Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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赤土 akatsuchi red soilkagaku
赤ワイン akawain red wineryouri
赤み akami reddish tinge/tinge of red/slight redness/blushmix
地方 chihou regionjlpt3, mix
予行 yokou rehearsalleda1, suru
返金 henkin repaymentsuru
返事 henji replyjlpt4, leda1
返答 hentou replysuru
回答 kaitou reply/answergakkou, leda1, suru
記者 kisha reporter/(P)adj, leda1
名聞 meibun reputationmix
外聞 gaibun reputation, respectability, honour, honormix
研究所 kenkyuujo research establishment (institute, laboratory, etc.); research establishment (institute, laboratory, etc.)all, gakkou, shigoto
研究者 kenkyuusha researchershigoto
答え kotae response/reply/answer/solution/(P)jlpt4, leda1
休み yasumi rest, recess, respite, vacation, holiday, absence, suspensionjlpt5
家来 kerai retainer, retinue, servantmix
口答え kuchigotae retort/back talk/(P)leda1, suru
帰り kaeri return (noun)jlpt3, jlpt4
帰国 kikoku return to one's countryjlpt3
帰着 kichaku return, conclusionsuru
石南花 shakunage rhododendronshokubutsu
ta rice fieldmix
水田 suiden rice fieldleda1, shizen
kome rice grainjlpt4, leda1, shokubutsu
sake rice wineleda1, ryouri
神酒 miki Rice wine offered to the kamikami
お金持ち okanemochi rich manjlpt4
人力車 jinrikisha rickshawleda1, ryokou
migi right hand sidejlpt5, mix
正しい tadashii right, correctadj, jlpt4
曲らない magaranai rigidadj
薬指 kusuriyubi ring finger, third fingermix
kawa riverjlpt5, shizen
路面 romen road surfacemix
michi road, way, methodjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
iwa rock (boulder)kagaku, leda1, shizen
岩石 ganseki rock (substance)kagaku, leda1, shizen
岩場 iwaba rocky area/rockface/rock wallleda1
岩山 iwayama rocky mountainleda1, shizen
車両 sharyou rolling stock, railroad cars, vehiclesryokou
屋上 okujou rooftopjlpt4, leda1, uchi
部屋 heya roomjlpt5, uchi
部屋代 heyadai room rentjlpt3, uchi
回転 kaiten rotation (usu. around something)/revolution/turning/(P)leda1, suru
下書き shitagaki rough copy, draft, draughtmix
切り上げる kiriageru round upichidan, math, verb, vtrans
円い marui round, circular, sphericaladj, jlpt5
丸い marui round, circular, sphericaladj, jlpt5, leda1
路線 rosen route, line, alignmentryokou
王家 ouke royal familyall, seiji
王室 oushitsu royal familymix
元首 genshu ruler/sovereign/(P)leda1
次点 jiten runner-up/(P)leda1
安全 anzen safetyjlpt4, leda1
日本酒 nihonshu sake/Japanese rice wine/(P)ryouri
店員 ten'in salesclerkjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
同じ onaji samejlpt5
同世代 dousedai same generation, one's generationmix
同意味 douimi same meaningmix
味見 ajimi sampling, tastingsuru
土曜日 doyoubi Saturdayjlpt5, toki
体重計 taijuukei scalesmix
場面 bamen scene, setting (e.g. of novel)jlpt3
予定日 yoteibi scheduled date, expected datemix
学習者 gakushuusha scholar, studentgakkou
学者 gakusha scholar/(P)adj, leda1
学力 gakuryoku scholarship, knowledge, literary abilitymix
学問 gakumon scholarship/study/learning/(P)leda1, suru
学校 gakkou schoolgakkou, jlpt5, leda1
通学 tsuugaku school commutinggakkou, ryokou
入学式 nyuugakushiki school entrance ceremonymix
学校新聞 gakkoushinbun school papermix
運動場 undoujou school playgroundgakkou
学生服 gakuseifuku school uniformfuku, gakkou
校庭 koutei schoolyard, campusmix
理科 rika sciencegakkou, jlpt3
科学 kagaku sciencejlpt4
学会 gakkai scientific society/academic meeting/academic conference/(P)gakkou
科学者 kagakusha scientistshigoto
気合 kiai scream, yell, fighting spiritmix
海水 kaisui sea waterleda1, shizen
umi sea, beachjlpt5, leda1, shizen
minato seaport, harborjlpt4, ryokou
次女 jijo second daughter/(P)leda1
二日 futsuka second day of the month, two daysjlpt5, toki
二階 nikai second flooruchi
十両 juuryou second highest sumo division, wrestlers of the second highest sumo divisionmix
次男 jinan second sonkazoku, leda1
内聞 naibun secret, private (information)mix
自明の理 jimeinori self-evident truth, truism, axiommix
自力 jiriki self-mademix
売り場 uriba selling areajlpt4
学期 gakki semestergakkou
運休 unkyuu service suspended (e.g. trains)suru
集合 shuugou setmath
定食 teishoku set meal, special (of the day)mix
七つ nanatsu sevenjlpt5
七日 nanoka seven days, the seventh day of the monthjlpt5, toki
何度か nandoka several times, one or twicemix
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