Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
感想 かんそう impressions, thoughtsjlpt3, suru
Because I love you.ai
Vypadá chytře.byousha1
おく (num) 100,000,000, hundred millionjlpt4
調整 ちょうせい regulation, coordination, adjustment, tuning, modification, alterationsuru
養う やしなう to rear, to maintain, to support (e.g. family), to cultivategodan, verb, vtrans
うた songjlpt5
愛想 あいそ civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces; civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, gracesmix
関節 かんせつ joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)hito
談ずる だんずる (1)to talk, to discuss, to debate, (2)to negotiate vtrans
親しい したしい intimate, close (e.g. friend)jlpt3
新しい あたらしい newadj, jlpt5, leda1
かんきつ類 かんきつるい citrusshokubutsu
種類 しゅるい (1)variety, kind, type, category, (ctr) (2)counter for different sorts of things jlpt3, mix