Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
試す tamesu to attempt, to test, to try outgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
kuda pipe, tube; pipe, tubemix
~頭 tou numerativ pro velká zvířatacounter, leda1
静かな shizukana quietadj
種類 shurui (1)variety, kind, type, category, (ctr) (2)counter for different sorts of things jlpt3, mix
タメ語 tamego casual languagebunpou
課する kasuru to imposeleda1, suru, verb
新聞 shinbun newspaperjlpt5, leda1
頭がいい atamagaii cleveradj
oya parentsjlpt4, kazoku