Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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比類 hirui parallel, equal, matchmix
親子 oyako parent and childkazoku
親鳥 oyadori parent birdleda1
oya parentsjlpt4, kazoku
両親 ryoushin parents, both parentsjlpt5, kazoku
公園 kouen park (public)jlpt5, leda1
白人参 shironinjin parsnipshokubutsu
bun partmix
部位 bui part, position (in a whole, i.e. body)mix
参加者 sankasha participant, entrantmix
参加 sanka participationjlpt3, suru
関与 kan'yo participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned insuru
助詞 joshi particle, postpositionbunpou
別れ wakare parting/separation/farewell/(lateral) branch/fork/offshoot/division/section/(P)jlpt3
乗客 joukyaku passengerryokou
旅客 ryokaku; ryokyaku passenger (transport); passenger (transport)mix
乗車券 joushaken passenger ticketryokou
乗用車 jouyousha passenger vehicle, automobile
トケイソウの果実 tokuisounokajitsu passion fruitshokubutsu
心猿 shin'en passion, passions
前非 zenpi past folly, past sinmix
弁理士 benrishi patent attorney, patent agentmix
父性愛 fuseiai paternal lovemix
根気 konki patience, perseverance, persistence, tenacity, energymix
歩兵 fuhyou; hohei PawnShogi
質屋 shichiya pawnshopmise
支払い shiharai paymentmix
前払い maebarai payment in advance, prepaymentsuru
安心 anshin peace of mind, reliefemo, jlpt4, leda1
安らぎ yasuragi peace, tranquility, tranquillitymix
頂上 choujou peakshizen
小石 koishi pebbleleda1, shizen
歩道橋 hodoukyou pedestrian bridgemix
歩行者 hokousha pedestrian, walkermix
半島 hantou peninsula/(P)leda1
男根 dankon penis/phallushito
年金生活者 nenkinseikatsusha pensionermix
hayabusa peregrine falcondoubutsu
満点 manten perfect scoregakkou
完全 kanzen perfection, completenessjlpt3
香水 kousui perfumeleda1
私事 shiji; watakushigoto personal affairs; personal affairsmix
自分の持ち物 jibunnomochimono personal belongingsmix
体験 taiken personal experience/(P)leda1, suru
私説 shisetsu personal opinionmix
人格 jinkaku personality, characterleda1
人事部 jinjibu personnel departmentshigoto
愛犬 aiken pet dogdoubutsu, leda1
花びら hanabira petalshokubutsu
石油 sekiyu petroleumkagaku
薬局 yakkyoku pharmacybyouki, mise
薬屋 kusuriya pharmacy, chemist, drug storemise
写真館 shashinkan photo studiomise
写真 shashin photographjlpt5, mix
写真家 shashinka photographershigoto
光子 koushi photonmix
体調 taichou physical conditionmix
体育 taiiku physical educationgakkou, leda1, sport
体力 tairyoku physical strengthjlpt3, leda1
外界 gaikai physical world, the externals; physical world, the externalsmix
物理学者 butsurigakusha physicistshigoto
物理 butsuri physicsgakkou, jlpt3
人相 ninsou physiognomy, looks, countenancemix
香の物 kounomono pickled vegetablesryouri
お新香 oshinko pickled vegetables, picklesryouri
絵本 ehon picture bookmix
e picture, paintingjlpt5, math
buta pigdoubutsu
子豚 kobuta pigletdoubutsu
顔料 ganryou pigment, colorantmix
豚足 tonsoku pigs feetryouri
matsu pineshokubutsu
松林 matsubayashi pine forestleda1, shizen
ピンク色の pinkuirono pinkadj, iro
tokoro placejlpt5
地名 chimei place namenamae
地味な jimi na plainjlpt3
地味 jimi plain, simple, subdued, sobermix
無地 muji plain/unfigured/(P)jlpt3
原告 genkoku plaintiff, accuser, prosecutormix
計画 keikaku planjlpt3, jlpt4
間取り madori plan of a house, arrangement of roomsjlpt3
予定 yotei plans/arrangement/schedule/program/programme/expectation/estimate/(P)jlpt4, leda1, suru
植物 shokubutsu plantshokubutsu
農園 nouen plantationmix
草木 kusaki plants/vegetation/(P)leda1
気に入る kiniiru pleasedemo
楽園 rakuen pleasure garden, paradisekami
楽しみ tanoshimi pleasure, joyjlpt3, jlpt4
千鳥 chidori ploverdoubutsu
梅酒 umeshu plum wineryouri
多元的 tagenteki pluralism, pluralitymix
tachi pluralizing suffix (esp. for people & animals; formerly honorific)mix
shi poem, verse of poetrymix
詩人 shijin poetshigoto
詩家 shika poetmix
詩的 shiteki poeticmix
切っ先 kissaki point of a swordsensou
ten point, mark, gradejlpt4, leda1, math
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