Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
仏像 ぶつぞう buddhistická socha, socha buddhykami, leda1
取材 しゅざい collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article)/covering an event/(P)leda1, suru
至急 しきゅう urgent, pressingmix
仕上げる しあげる to finish up/to complete/(P)ichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
次世代 じせだい next (future) generationleda1
動作 どうさ akce, jednání, chováníleda1
細かいお金 こまかいおかね small changemix
入り口 いりぐち vchod, vjezdleda1
次ぐ つぐ to rank next to/to come after/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
配信 はいしん distribution, delivery, transmission, provisionsuru
台詞 せりふ speech, words, one's lines, remarksmix
Chce si koupit dům.mix
上品 じょうひん; じょうぼん elegant, refined, polished; Buddhism's highest paradisemix
あじ tastejlpt4, ryouri
委員会 いいんかい committee, commission, board, panel, committee meetingmix
犯す おかす (1)to commit (e.g. crime), to perpetrate, (2)to transgress, to contravene, (3)to violate, to ravish, to rape, to deflower godan, verb, vtrans
明太子 めんたいこ walleye pollack roe (generally served salted and spiced with red pepper)ryouri
半人前 はんにんまえ (1)half share, (2)half a man mix
言い返す いいかえす to repeat, to talk back, to answer backgodan, verb, vtrans
きん goldkagaku
Už si to tak nemyslím.mix
到着 とうちゃく arrivalsuru
日本軍 にほんぐん Japanese Armysensou
魚屋 さかなや prodejna rybleda1, mise
Důvod, proč jsem přijel do Japonska, jsou přijímačky na výšku.mix
王者 おうじゃ king/monarch/ruler/(P)leda1
打ち破る うちやぶる to break, to smash, to defeat, to destroy, to eliminategodan, verb, vtrans
表面的 ひょうめんてき on the surfacemix
夜食 やしょく supper/night meal/late-night snack/"fourth meal"/midnight snackleda1