Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
病室 びょうしつ sickroom, hospital roombyouki
お金 おかね moneyjlpt5, leda1
類人猿 るいじんえん apedoubutsu
乗り回す のりまわす to drive (a car) around/to ride (a bicycle) around/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
天然 てんねん (1)nature, spontaneity, (2)(abbr) natural airhead mix
大男 おおおとこ velký muž, obrhito, leda1
集まる あつまる to gathergodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
例える たとえる to compare, to liken, to speak figuratively, to illustrate, to use a simileichidan, verb, vtrans
神戸 こうべ Kobe (port city near Osaka)mix
日本語能力試験N3 にほんご のうりょく しけん N3 JLPT N3jlpt3
しょう; ます (1)measuring container, measure, (2)box (seating at a theatre, etc.), (3)square on a grid, cell of a grid mix
星空 ほしぞら starry sky/(P)leda1
通学 つうがく school commutinggakkou, ryokou
旅行 りょこう travel, tripjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
きゃく  guestjlpt4