Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
弓矢 yumiya bow and arrow; bow and arrowleda1, sensou
ai loveai, jlpt3
着物 kimono Japanese traditional dressjlpt4
秋風 akikaze podzimní vítrleda1, shizen
直す naosu to repairgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
長女 choujo eldest daughterkazoku, leda1
kashira (1)head/ (2)top/ (3)hair (on one's head)/ (4)top structural component of a kanji/(P) leda1
外聞 gaibun reputation, respectability, honour, honormix
go (num) fivejlpt5
kuni countryjlpt5, leda1
今年 kotoshi this yearjlpt5, toki
花びら hanabira petalshokubutsu
絵日記 enikki diary with illustrationsmix
明日 asu zítraleda1, toki
心身 shinshin mind and body/(P)adj, leda1
歯痛 haita toothachebyouki
raku comfort, easemix
八百屋 yaoya greengrocerjlpt5, leda1, mise, shigoto
州外 shuugai out-of-statemix
起す okosu to wakegodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
乗せる noseru (1)to place on (something), (2)to give (someone) a ride, to give a lift, to pick up, to help on board, (3)to load (luggage), to carry, to take on board, (4)to send out (on the airwaves, etc.), (5) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
勉強 benkyou study, discount, reductiongakkou, jlpt5
村外れ murahazure edge of town/outskirts of a villageleda1
工学 kougaku engineeringmix
生物 seibutsu biology, living thingsgakkou
多少 tashou víceméně, trochu, velikost, rozměrleda1
番号 bangou number/series of digits/(P)jlpt5, leda1
画面 gamen terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photojlpt3
声高 kowadaka with a loud voicemix
koe voicejlpt5