Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
回答 kaitou reply/answergakkou, leda1, suru
山海 sankai mountains and seasshizen
曲がる magaru (1)to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist, (2)to turn, (3)to be awry, to be askew, to be crooked godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
画数 kakusuu stroke countbunpou
新年明けましておめでとうございます šinnen'akemašiteomedetougozaimasu Happy New Yearkaiwa
見学 kengaku field tripleda1, mix
~前 ~mae ago, beforejlpt5, toki
強める cujomeru to strengthen, to emphasize, to emphasiseichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
半島 hantou peninsula/(P)leda1
天岩戸 amanoiwato Ama no Iwato, cave of the sun goddesskami
take bambooleda1, shizen
山寺 jamadera horský chrámkami, leda1
新しい atarašii newadj, jlpt5, leda1
百点 hjakuten hundred points/perfect markleda1
te handhito, jlpt5
前向きの maemukino směřující dopředu, pozitivníleda1
日課 nikka daily lesson/daily work/daily routine/(P)leda1
čou (1)sign, omen, indication, portent, (num) (2)10^12, 1,000,000,000,000, trillion (American), (obs) billion (British) mix
一方で ippoude on the other handmix
冷める sameru (1)to become cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to come down (fever), (2)to cool down (interest), to abate, to subside, to dampen ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
~回 ~kai (first, second, etc.) time, roundjlpt5
ご主人 gošudžin husbandkazoku
dai ordinalleda1
中学生 čuugakusei junior high school studentgakkou
前方 zenpou vpředuleda1
七面鳥 šičimenčou turkeydoubutsu
bun partmix
入れ歯 ireba false tooth, denturemix
背中を丸める senaka wo marumeru curl upmix
弱める jowameru to weaken/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans