Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
岡村富夫 okamura tomio Okamura Tomionamae
本を読んでしまいたい。 hon wo yonde shimaitai. Chci dočíst knížku.mix
年中行事 nenjuugyouji annual functions or eventsmix
経済 keizai economics, business, finance, economyjlpt4
定員 teiin fixed number of regular personnel, capacity (of boat, hall, aeroplane, airplane, etc.)mix
田中 tanaka Tanakanamae
小説 shousetsu noveljlpt4, leda1
水素 suiso hydrogenkagaku
払う harau to paygodan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
都度 tsudo each (every) time/whenever/(P)leda1