Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
方言 hougen dialekt, nářečíbunpou, leda1
火屋 hoya stínidlo lampyleda1
本人 honnin the person himselfjlpt3
金星 kinsei Venus (planet)adj, leda1
行間 gyoukan line-spacing in text, between the linesmix
外力 gairyoku external forcemix
正午 shougo mid-day, noonleda1, toki
tsubasa (1)wing; (2)wing, (3)Chinese mix
sakura (1)cherry tree, cherry blossom, (2)decoy, fake buyer, shill, (3)hired applauder, (4)(col) horse meat shokubutsu
michi road, way, methodjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
深夜 shin'ya late at nightmix
独力 dokuryoku one's own effortmix
bun partmix
黄色 kiiro yellowiro, jlpt5
前のように mae nouni as beforemix
シャボン玉 shabondama mýdlová bublinaleda1
伝える tsutaeru to tell, to reportichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
あなたは一番行きたい国はどこですか。 anata ha ichiban ikitai kuni ha doko desuka. Do které země se chceš nejvíc podívat?ryokou
号泣 goukyuu crying aloud, lamentation, wailingsuru
何分 nanpun how many minutestoki
白い shiroi whiteadj, iro, jlpt5
戦う tatakau to fight/to battle/to combat/to struggle against/to wage war/to engage in contest/(P)godan, sensou, verb, vintrans
新年会 shinnenkai New Year's partymix
風神 fuujin Fuujin, god of the windkami
子午前 shigozen poledníkleda1
和む nagomu to be softened, to calm downgodan, verb
雨傘 amagasa umbrellafuku
出走 shussou start, začátek závoduleda1, sport
昨日7時間も勉強しました。 kinou 7 jikan mo benkyoushimashita. Včera jsem studoval celých sedm hodin.gakkou
走り書き hashirigaki poznámka (rychle napsaná)leda1