Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
直後 ちょくご immediately followingmix
夕方 ゆうがた eveningjlpt5, leda1, toki
終わる おわる to finish/to end/to close/(P)godan, leda1, verb, vintrans
注意を引く ちゅういをひく to attract attentiongodan, verb
石油 せきゆ petroleumkagaku
日本食 にほんしょく Japanese food, Japanese mealryouri
風物 ふうぶつ (1)natural features, scenery, (2)things particular to a certain region or season, characteristic scenery and customs, scenes and manners mix
晴れ はれ clear weathertenki
お陰 おかげ (your) backing, assistance, thanks or owing tomix
当時 とうじ v té době, ona doba, tenkrátleda1
雷鳥 らいちょう ptarmigandoubutsu
行き いき (1)bound for ..., (n) (2)going (to) jlpt3
体温 たいおん temperature, body temperature (human, animal)mix
洗い濯ぎ あらいすすぎ washing and rinsing, cleaningmix
出来事 できごと incident, affair, happening, eventjlpt3