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〜夫人 ふじん (1)(hon) wife, Mrs, madam; (2)(hon) wife, Mrs, madam, (3)(arch) wife of a nobleman (aristocrat, etc.), (4)(arch) consort of the emperor; (n) (5)(arch) consort of the emperor mix
お使 おつかい (1)(pol) errand, mission, going as envoy, (2)(pol) messenger, bearer, errand boy, errand girl, (3)(pol) (hon) familiar spirit mix
ぬの (1)cloth; (n) (2)cloth; (3)cloth; (4)cloth, (5)bujian (spade-shaped bronze coin of ancient China) fuku
りゅう (1)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon)/ (2)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology); (n) (3)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon)/ (4)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mytholog kami
たぐい (1)kind, sort, type, (2)equal, match, peer; kind, sort, class, family, genus mix
趣き おもむき (1)meaning, tenor, gist, (2)effect, influence, (3)appearance, aspect, (4)taste, (5)grace, charm, refinement mix
(1)parent, parents, (2)dealer (in cards), (3)founder, (4)(pet) owner; ancestor, forefather, progenitor mix
相撲 すもう (1)sumo wrestling, (2)(abbr) sumo wrestler, rikishi; (3)sumo wrestling, (4)(abbr) sumo wrestler, rikishi mix
ひぐま (n) (uk) brown bear (Ursus arctos); (n) (uk) brown bear (Ursus arctos); (n) (uk) brown bear (Ursus arctos); (uk) brown bear (Ursus arctos)mix
きじ (n) (uk) green pheasant (Phasianus versicolor), Japanese pheasant; (n) (uk) green pheasant (Phasianus versicolor), Japanese pheasant; (uk) green pheasant (Phasianus versicolor), Japanese pheasantdoubutsu
ひのき (n) (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypress; (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypressshizen
ひのき (n) (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypress; (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypressshizen
蝦蟇 がま (n) (uk) toad (esp. the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus); (uk) toad (esp. the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus); (uk) toad (esp. the Japanese toad, Bufo japonicus)doubutsu
煙草 たばこ (n) (uk) tobacco (por: tabaco), cigarettes
雰囲気 ふんいき (n) atmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience, ambiance; atmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience, ambiancemix
緑の日 みどりのひ (n) Greenery Day (national holiday; May 4)namae, toki
海苔 のり (n) nori (edible seaweed, esp. species Porphyra tenera and others of genus Porphyra, usu. dried and pressed into sheets), laverryouri
新聞配達 しんぶんはいたつ (newspaper) carrier, newspaper (delivery) boy (girl), newmix
大して たいして (not so) much, (not) verymix
必ずしも かならずしも (not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all, (not) entirelymix
一向 いっこう (not) at all; (uk) nothing but, earnest, intent, determined, set on (something); (uk) nothing but, earnest, intent, determined, set on (something)mix
じゅう (num) 10, tenjlpt5
まん (num) 10,000, ten thousand, (adv) myriads, alljlpt5
ひゃく (num) 100, hundredjlpt5
おく (num) 100,000,000, hundred millionjlpt4
(num) fivejlpt5
(num) fourjlpt5, mix
しち (num) sevenjlpt5
ろく (num) sixjlpt5
さん (num) threejlpt5, mix
(num) twojlpt5
所為 せい (obsc) act, deed, one's doing; (uk) cause, reason, faultmix
平衡移動の法則 へいこういどうのほうそく (obsc) law of equilibrium (Le Chatelier's principle)mix
屈折の法則 くっせつのほうそく (obsc) law of refractionmix
半魚人 はんぎょじん (obsc) merman, half man-half fishmix
吾れ あれ; われ (1)I, me; (pn,adj-no) (2)I, me, (3)oneself, (4)(arch) you mix
通路側の席 つうろがわ の せき (on the) aisle, aisle seatryokou
そっくり (on-mim) all, altogether, entirely, just like, the spitting image ofjlpt3
そっくりな (on-mim) all, altogether, entirely, just like, the spitting image ofjlpt3
きちっと (on-mim) exactly, perfectlyonoma
ぴったり (on-mim) exactly/neatly/sharp/(P)adj, jlpt3
ほっと (on-mim) feeling relieved, (sigh of) reliefjlpt3, onoma, suru
ぴかぴか (on-mim) glitter/sparkle/(P)onoma
きらきら (on-mim) glitter/sparkle/glisten/twinkle/(P)suru
ぎょろぎょろ (on-mim) goggling, rolling (one's eyes)onoma, suru
ザーザー (on-mim) heavy rainfall/(P)onoma
くるくる (on-mim) like a small spinning object, winding up a long string, etc.onoma, suru
むかむかする むかむかする (on-mim) nausea, queasy, surge of angersuru
ひらり (on-mim) nimbly, lightlymix
ぎゅうぎゅう (on-mim) packing in tightly, creaking leather, door, etc.onoma
きちんと (on-mim) precisely, accurately, neatlyjlpt3, suru
さっさと (on-mim) quicklymix
ひっそり (on-mim) quiet, still, silent, desertedsuru
ケロケロ (on-mim) ribbit (frog sound)onoma
ばらばら (on-mim) scattered, disperse, loose, disconnected, in pieces, in drops, rustlingjlpt3, onoma, suru
そっと (on-mim) softly, gently, quietly, secretlyjlpt3, suru
ぐっすり (on-mim) sound asleep, fast asleepjlpt3, onoma
ぺたぺた (on-mim) sound of a flat surface repeatedly making contact with somethingonoma
どきどき (on-mim) throb, beat (fast)suru
とぼとぼ (on-mim) totteringly, trudginglyonoma
チクチク (on-mim) type of prickling pain, prick, pricklesuru
ふらふら (on-mim) unsteady on one's feet, stagger, reel, totter, dizzyonoma, suru
びっしょり (on-mim) wet through/drenched/(P)onoma
実家 じっか (one's parents') homemix
弁当 べんとう (packed) lunchryouri
印画紙 いんがし (photographic) printing papersuru
酔い心地 よいごこち (pleasantly) intoxicatedmix
われ (1)I, me; (pn,adj-no) (2)I, me; (3)(Buddh) obstinacy, (4)atman, the self, the ego; (5)I, me, (6)oneself, (7)(arch) you, (pref) (8)(arch) prefix indicating familiarity or contempt; mix
お辞儀 おじぎ (pol) bow, bowingjlpt3
お釣り おつり (pol) change (i.e. money), balanceryokou
清聴 せいちょう (polite reference to another's) attention, kind attention, courteous attentionsuru
お父さん おとうさん (polite) fatherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
御主人 ごしゅじん (polite) your husband, her husbandjlpt5
政権 せいけん (political) administration, political powermix
想像力 そうぞうりょく (power of) imaginationmix
集中力 しゅうちゅうりょく (powers of) concentration, ability to concentratemix
御~ ご~ (prefix, polite)jlpt4
説明書 せつめいしょ (printed) instructionsmix
受け手 うけて (referring to a person) receiver, receiving side, viewer, listenermix
信仰 しんこう (religious) faith, belief, creedsuru
祭礼 さいれい (religious) festivalmix
おいでになる (respectful) to begodan, jlpt4, verb
お会計 おかいけい (restaurant) billmix
冬季 とうき (season of) wintermix
盲目 もうもく (sens) blindnessmix
お凸 おでこ (sens) brow, foreheadmix
調理師 ちょうりし (sens) chef, cookmix
生き様 いきざま (sens) form of existence, way of lifemix
文盲 もんもう (sens) illiteracymix
不治の ふじ の (sens) incurability; (sens) incurabilitybyouki
戦役 せんえき (sens) military campaign, battle, warmix
今上 きんじょう (sens) the reigning emperorseiji
婦人 ふじん (sens) woman, lady, adult femalemix
貴様 きさま (sens) youmix
被虐性愛 ひぎゃくせいあい (sexual) masochismai
観光旅行 かんこうりょこう (sightseeing) tourryokou
お毛々 おけけ (sl) (vulg) pubic hairmix
自宅飲み じたくのみ (sl) drinking at home (as opposed to going out)mix
我慢汁 がまんじる (sl) pre-ejaculate, pre-ejaculatory fluid, Cowper's fluid, slang: pre-cum, dog water, speed dropai, baka
小鳥 ことり (small) birddoubutsu, jlpt4, leda1
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