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小槌 kodzuči (small) mallet, gavelmix
地位 čii (social) position, statusmix
肉球 nikukjuu (sole of the) paw, padmix
早め hajame (something) earlymix
狛犬 komainu (stone) guardian lion-dogs at Shinto shrinekami
地唄 džiuta (style of) folk songmix
筆記 hikki (taking) notes, copyingsuru
満面 manmen (the) whole facemix
老け役 fukejaku (theatrical) role of old personmix
猫に小判 nekonikoban (to cast) pearls before swine, really big waste of resourcesmix
料亭 rjoutei (traditional Japanese) restaurantmix
和様 wajou (traditional) Japanese stylemix
車掌 šašou (train) conductorryokou, shigoto
有難う arigatou (uk) (abbr) Thank youmix
彼奴 aicu (uk) (col) he, she, that guy; (uk) (col) he, she, that guy; (uk) (col) he, she, that guymix
宜しい jorošii (uk) (hon) good, OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, canadj
メンマ menma (uk) (sens) bamboo shoots boiled, sliced, fermented, dried or preserved in salt, then soaked in hot water and sea saltryouri
deko (uk) (sens) brow, foreheadmix
凡そ ojoso (uk) about, roughly, as a rule, approximately; (uk) about, roughly, as a rule, approximatelymix
oojoso; han; bon (uk) about, roughly, as a rule, approximately; mediocrity; mediocritymix
mata (uk) again, and, also, still (doing something)mix
hobo (uk) almost, roughly, approximatelymix
既に sudeni (uk) already, too late; (uk) already, too latemix
矢張り jahari (uk) also, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely, of coursejlpt3
誰でも daredemo (uk) anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, whoevermix
何処までも dokomademo (uk) anywhere, through thick and thin, to the utmost, persistently, stubbornly, in all respects, thoroughlymix
出来るだけ dekirudake (uk) as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possiblemix
取り敢えず toriaezu (uk) at once, first of all, for the time being, for nowmix
kago (uk) basket (shopping, etc.), hamper, cagemix
houki (uk) broomuchi
猫鮫 nekozame (uk) bullhead shark (esp. the Japanese bullhead shark, Heterodontus japonicus)mix
因みに činamini (uk) by the way, in this connection, incidentally, in passingmix
蝋燭 rousoku (uk) candlemix
絨毯 džuutan (uk) carpet, rug, runnermix
切っ掛け kikkake (uk) chance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasionmix
箪笥 tansu (uk) chest of drawers/bureau/cabinet/tansu/dresser/(P)uchi
可也 kanari (uk) considerably, fairly, quitejlpt3
とうもろこし toumorokoši (uk) corn (US), maize (UK)mix
従姉 itoko (uk) cousin (female); (uk) cousin (female)mix
従妹 itoko (uk) cousin (female); (uk) cousin (female)mix
従弟 itoko (uk) cousin (male); (uk) cousin (male)mix
酷い hidoi (uk) cruel, awful, severe, very bad, serious, terrible, heavy, violent; cruel, atrocious, merciless, inhuman, brutaljlpt3
お襁褓 omucu (uk) diaper, nappymix
直に džikani (uk) directly, in person, headlong; immediately, readily, directlymix
エノキタケ enokitake (uk) enoki mushroom (long, thin and white), Flammulina velutipes, winter mushroomryouri, shokubutsu
kasasagi (uk) European magpie (Pica pica)doubutsu
茅蜩 higuraši (uk) evening cicada (Tanna japonensis)mix
戴きます itadakimasu (uk) expression of gratitude before mealsmix
睫毛 macuge (uk) eyelasheshito, jlpt3
macuge (uk) eyelasheshito, jlpt3
hajabusa (uk) falcon (esp. the peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus)/(P)doubutsu
何時までも icumademo (uk) forever, for good, eternally, as long as one likes, indefinitely, no matter whatmix
清々しい sugasugašii (uk) fresh, refreshingadj
更に sarani (uk) furthermore, again, after all, more and more, moreover, even moremix
nao (uk) furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, in addition, greater, furthermix
苛々 iraira (uk) getting nervous, irritationjlpt3, suru
山羊 jagi (uk) goatdoubutsu
左様なら sajounara (uk) good-byekaiwa
下らない kudaranai (uk) good-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthlessadj
針鼠 harinezumi (uk) hedgehog (any mammal of family Erinaceidae)doubutsu
harinezumi (uk) hedgehog (any mammal of family Erinaceidae)doubutsu
吃逆 šakkuri (uk) hiccough, hiccupbyouki, suru
お持て成し omotenaši (uk) hospitality, entertainment, servicemix
如何 ika; ikaga; ikan; dou (1)how, in what way, (n) (2)circumstances; (uk) how, in what way, how about mix
この様に konojouni (uk) in this manner, in this way, like thismix
益々 masumasu (uk) increasingly, more and more, decreasingly, less and lessjlpt3
印度 indo (uk) India, Hindustanmix
直ぐに suguni (uk) instantly, immediatelyjlpt3
嘘吐き usocuki (uk) liar (sometimes said with not much seriousness), fibbermix
従兄 itoko (uk) male cousin; (uk) male cousinmix
ミイラ miira (uk) mummy (por: mirra)mix
勿論 močiron (uk) of course, certainly, naturallyjlpt3
度々 tabitabi (uk) often, repeatedly, frequentlymix
若しかすると mošikasuruto (uk) perhaps/maybe/by some chance/(P)jlpt3
若しかしたら mošikašitara (uk) perhaps/maybe/perchance/by some chance/by any chance/(P)jlpt3
若しかして mošikašite (uk) perhaps/possiblyjlpt3
kotowaza (uk) proverb, maximmix
丸で marude (uk) quite, entirely, completely, at all, as if, as though, so to speak, just likejlpt3
丹頂 tančou (uk) red-crowned crane, Japanese crane (Grus japonensis)mix
お握り onigiri (uk) rice ball (often triangular, sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori)ryouri
gomi (1)(Buddh) defilement, impurity, affliction, (2)object (perceived with the mind or the senses), (3)one billionth; dust, dirt mix
迎合 geigou (uk) secondary or supporting actor in a noh or kyogen play; ingratiation, going along with somebody's views, adjusting oneself (to something, to somebody), flatterysuru
纏め matome (uk) settlement, conclusion, summarymix
sune (uk) shin, shank, lower leg; (n) (uk) shin, shank, lower leghito
黍魚子 kibinago (uk) silver-stripe round herring (Spratelloides gracilis)mix
如何言う douiu (uk) somehow, how, in what way, why, what kind ofmix
何処か dokoka (uk) somewhere, anywhere, in some respectsmix
蜘蛛 kumo (uk) spiderdoubutsu
炬燵 kotacu (uk) table with heater, (orig) charcoal brazier in a floor wellmix
有難うございます arigatougozaimasu (uk) thank youmix
即ち sunawači (uk) that is, namely, i.e.mix
fumoto (uk) the foot, the bottom, the base (of a mountain)mix
斯うして koušite (uk) thus, in this waymix
妬む sonemu; sonemu; netamu (uk) to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudge; to be jealous, to be envious; (uk) to be jealous of, to envy, to begrudgegodan, verb, vtrans
繋がる cunagaru (uk) to be tied together, to be connected to, to be related togodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
齎す motarasu (uk) to bring, to take, to bring aboutgodan, verb
踞る uzukumaru (uk) to crouch, to squat, to cowergodan, verb, vintrans
摘む cumu (uk) to pinch, to hold, to pick up; to pluck, to pick, to trimgodan, verb, vtrans
企む takuramu (uk) to scheme, to plan, to play a trick, to invent, to conspire, to frame upgodan, verb, vtrans
嘲る azakeru (uk) to scoff, to laugh at, to make fun of, to ridicule, to jeer atgodan, verb, vtrans
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