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健康診断書 kenkoushindansho health certificatemix
健康保険 kenkouhoken health insurancebyouki
健全 kenzen health, soundness, wholesomemix
元気 genki health(y), robust, vigor, energy, vitality, vim, staminajlpt5, leda1
健康 kenkou health/sound/wholesome/(P)mix
健康な kenkouna healthyadj, jlpt3
聞き伝え kikitsutae hearsaymix
霊柩車 reikyuusha hearsemix
心臓 shinzou hearthito, leda1
狭心症 kyoushinshou heart attack, angina pectorismix
心疾患 shinshikkan heart diseasebyouki
心臓病 shinzoubyou heart trouble, heart diseasebyouki
熱源 netsugen heat sourceshizen
netsu heat, feverbyouki, jlpt3, jlpt4
ヒーター hi-ta- heaterjlpt3
ストーブ suto-bu heater, stovejlpt5, uchi
暖房 danbou heatingjlpt3, jlpt4, uchi
火力 karyoku heating power, steam powermix
加熱 kanetsu heating, application of heatsuru
天皇 tennou heavenly emperorkami
天女 tennyo heavenly nymph, celestial maidenmix
重い omoi heavyadj, jlpt5
暴飲 bouin heavy drinkingleda1, suru
大酒 oozake heavy drinkingbaka
馬食 bashoku heavy eatingbaka, suru
重油 juuyu heavy oil, fuel oilmix
大雨 ooame heavy rainleda1, shizen
豪雨 gouu heavy rain, cloudburst, downpourmix
愛煙家 aienka heavy smoker, habitual smokermix
重たい omotai heavy, massive, serious, important, severe, oppressedadj
垣根 kakine hedge, fencemix
kakato heelhito
平安時代 heianjidai Heian period (794-1185)mix
身長 shinchou height (of body)/stature/(P)jlpt3, leda1
se height, staturejlpt5
ヘリコプター herikoputa- helicopterryokou
ヘリウム heriumu heliumkagaku
地獄 jigoku hellkami
地獄の様な jigokunoyouna hellishadj
もしもし moshimoshi hello (on phone)jlpt5
ヘルメット herumetto helmet, hard hat, protective headgearjlpt3
半球 hankyuu hemisphereshizen
草食動物 soushokudoubutsu herbivoredoubutsu, leda1
群れ mure herd of cowsdoubutsu
象の群れ zounomure herd of elephantsdoubutsu
ヘラジカの群れ herajikanomure herd of elkdoubutsu
ここ koko herejlpt5
先天性 sentensei hereditarymix
遺伝性疾患 idenseishikkan hereditary disease, hereditary disorderbyouki
遺伝 iden heredity, inherentsuru
英雄 eiyuu hero, great mansensou
sagi herondoubutsu
ニシン nishin herringdoubutsu
異性愛者 iseiaisha heterosexualai
六角形 rokkakkei hexagonmath
全盛期 zenseiki heyday, golden agemix
kawa hide, barkdoubutsu, jlpt3, shokubutsu
象形 shoukei hieroglyphics, type of character representing picturesmix
高学歴 kougakureki high academic achievement, advanced academic training, higher educationmix
高血圧 kouketsuatsu high blood pressure, hypertensionbyouki
ハイヒール haihi-ru high heels, high-heeled shoesjlpt3
絶賛 zessan high praise, great admiration, rave reviewssuru
高校 koukou high schoolgakkou, jlpt4
高等学校 koutougakkou high schoolgakkou, jlpt4
高校生 koukousei high school studentgakkou, jlpt4, shigoto
満潮 manchou (1)high tide, (2)rising tide mix
美酒 bishu high-grade sakeleda1
最高 saikou highest, supreme, the mostjlpt3
専門家の senmonkano highly trainedadj
oka hillshizen
坂道 sakamichi hill roadmix
oka hill, height, knoll, rising groundshizen
野山 noyama hills and fields, hill and dalemix
邪魔 jama hindrance, intrusionsuru
koshi hiphito
股関節 kokansetsu hip joint, coxahito
河馬 kaba hippopotamusdoubutsu
平仮名 hiragana hiragana, the cursive syllabarybunpou, jlpt5
広島 hiroshima Hiroshima (city)leda1, namae
広島県 hiroshimaken Hiroshima prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
天皇陛下 tennouheika His Majesty the Emperormix
遺跡 iseki historic ruins (remains, relics)mix
史跡 shiseki historical landmarkmix
歴史 rekishi historygakkou, jlpt3, jlpt4
日本史 nihonshi history of Japanmix
ヒット hitto hit, success, safe hit (baseball), being a hitjlpt3
趣味 shumi hobbyjlpt3, jlpt4
持つ motsu hold, carry, possessjlpt5
開催 kaisai holding a meeting, open an exhibitionsuru
別荘 bessou holiday house, villamix
記念日 kinenbi holiday, anniversary, memorial daymix
uro; hora hollow, cavity, hole; cave, den, grottomix
aoi hollyhockshokubutsu
正則関数 seisokukansuu holomorphic functionmath
uchi home (one's own), insidejlpt5, uchi
故郷 kokyou home town, birthplace, old village, historic village, native place, one's old home; home town, birthplace, old village, historic village, native place, one's old homejlpt3
古里 furusato home town/birthplace/old village/historic village/native place/one's old home/(P)leda1
帰省 kisei homecoming, returning homejlpt3
担任 tannin homeroom teachergakkou, shigoto
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