verb (verb)

Number of vocabulary: 1060
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning
kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji kiru to wear, put on (from shoulders down)
kanji tazuneru to visit
kanji ošidasu (1)to crowd out, to push out, to squeeze out, (2)to start together, to set out en masse, (3)to highlight, to draw attention to
kanji kawaku to be thirsty
kanji hanašiau diskutovat
kanji ucu (1)to shoot (at), (2)to attack, to defeat, to destroy, to avenge
kanji kogu (1)to row, to scull, to paddle, (2)to pedal (e.g. bicycle), (3)to swing (on a swing), (4)to operate a hand pump, (5)to push through (deep snow, the jungle, etc.)
kanji nuu (1)to sew, to stitch, (2)to weave one's way (e.g. through a crowd)
kanji uku (1)to float, (2)to become merry, to be cheerful, (3)to become loose, to become unsteady, (4)(col) to feel out of it, to be cut off (e.g. from those around you), to feel out of place, (5)to be fri
kanji wakiagaru (1)to boil up, to come to the boil, to seethe, (2)to arise, to break out, (3)to get excited, to be in uproar
kanji jasumu to rest, to be finished, to retire
kanji cuieru (1)to use up (one's savings), (2)to be wasted (time, effort, etc), (3)to fall apart, to become useless, (4)(arch) to be wiped out (in battle), (5)(arch) to fall apart (one's body or health)
kanji adžigasuru to taste
kanji kieru to go out, to vanish, to disappear
kanji kigacuku (1)to notice, to become aware, to perceive, to realize, to realise, (2)to recover consciousness, to come to oneself
kanji tašikameru to ascertain, to check, to make sure
kanji otosu to drop, to let fall
kanji ošihakaru to guess, to conjecture, to surmise
kanji ninau to carry on shoulder, to bear (burden), to shoulder (gun)
kanji suke-tosuru to skate
kanji mazaru to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to join
kanji tokeru to melt, to thaw, to fuse, to dissolve
kanji hiku to play (piano, guitar)
kanji kuwawaru přidat se, připojit se, zúčastnit se
kanji furumau (1)to behave, to conduct oneself, (2)to entertain, to treat someone (to a drink), to make tea for someone (tea ceremony)