verb (verb)

Number of vocabulary: 1060
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning
kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji たつ to sever, to cut off, to suppress, to abstain (from)
kanji ゆずる (1)to turn over/to assign/to hand over/to transmit/to convey/to sell/to dispose of/ (2)to yield/to surrender/to concede/(P)
kanji あく to become vacant
kanji つかいふるす opotřebovat (nošením)
kanji うけつぐ to inherit, to succeed, to take over
kanji すう to smoke, to breathe in, to suck
kanji やむ to stop (e.g. rain)
kanji かえる (1)to replace, (2)to exchange, to interchange, (3)to substitute
kanji そなわる (1)to be furnished with, to be endowed with, (2)to be among, to be one of, to be possessed of
kanji せおう to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder; to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder
kanji おっしゃる to say (polite)
kanji ためす to attempt, to test, to try out
kanji たちどまる zastavit se (náhle)
kanji めしいれる to call in
kanji とどく (1)to reach, to arrive, to get through, to get at, (2)to be attentive, to pay attention, (3)to be delivered, to carry (e.g. sound)
kanji なまける (1)to be idle, to slacken, (v1,vt) (2)to neglect (e.g. one's work)
kanji さめる (1)to become cool (e.g. from a high temperature to room temperature), to come down (fever), (2)to cool down (interest), to abate, to subside, to dampen
kanji そだつ to be raised (e.g. child), to be brought up, to grow (up)
kanji とばす (1)to fly, to fire, to hurl, to launch, (2)to skip over, to omit, to drop (e.g. stitch), (3)to run or drive fast, to gallop, (4)to spread a rumour (rumor), to tell a story, (5)to remove, to get r
kanji よじのぼる to climb, to clamber (over, up), to scramble (up), to scale, to claw one's way up
kanji みせる to show
kanji つれる to bring
kanji せまる (1)to approach, to draw near, to be imminent, (v5r,vt) (2)to press (someone for something), to urge, to compel
kanji かむ to chew
kanji かなしむ to be sad, to mourn for, to regret