various words (mix)

Number of vocabulary: 3764
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning
kanji kana meaning randomReload
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蔵元 kuramoto sake brewer, warehouse overseermix
鮭漁 sakerjou salmon fishingmix
塩味 šioadži salty taste, saltinessmix
同族 douzoku same family (race, tribe)mix
同世代 dousedai same generation, one's generationmix
同意味 douimi same meaningmix
同志 douši same mind, comrade, kindred soulmix
砂場 sunaba sand pitmix
中州 nakasu sandbank (in a river), sandbarmix
札幌 sapporo Sapporo (city)mix
貯金箱 čokinbako savings box, bankmix
体重計 taidžuukei scalesmix
hakari scales, weighing machinemix
醜聞 šuubun scandalmix
案山子 kakaši scarecrowmix
鹿驚 kakaši scarecrowmix
眺め nagame scene, view, prospect, outlookmix
予定日 joteibi scheduled date, expected datemix
学力 gakurjoku scholarship, knowledge, literary abilitymix
入学式 njuugakušiki school entrance ceremonymix
学校新聞 gakkoušinbun school papermix
校則 kousoku school regulationsmix
校庭 koutei schoolyard, campusmix
学術 gakudžucu science, learning, scholarshipmix
気合 kiai scream, yell, fighting spiritmix
周到 šuutou scrupulous, meticulous, carefulmix
fuu sealmix
判子 hanko seal (used for signature)mix
印籠 inrou seal case, pill box, medicine casemix
印形 ingjou seal, signetmix
時候 džikou season, time of the yearmix
季節労働 kisecuroudou seasonal labor, seasonal labourmix
海藻 kaisou seaweedmix
十両 džuurjou second highest sumo division, wrestlers of the second highest sumo divisionmix
副次的 fukudžiteki secondarymix
諜報 čouhou secret information, intelligencemix
内聞 naibun secret, private (information)mix
苗木 naegi seedling, sapling, young treemix
nae; bjou; mjao seedling; Miao (people), Hmong; Miao (people), Hmongmix
自己主張 džikošučou self-assertionmix
自虐ネタ džigjaku neta self-depreciationmix
自明の理 džimeinori self-evident truth, truism, axiommix
自力 džiriki self-mademix
我流 garjuu self-taught, one's own waymix
自我 džiga self, the egomix
自撮り džidori selfiemix
準決勝 džunketšou semifinal (in sports)mix
仙台 sendai Sendai (city)mix
祢宜 negi senior priest (of a Shinto shrine)mix
心情 šindžou sentiment, emotions, one's feelings, one's heartmix
感傷的 kanšouteki sentimentalmix
別々 becubecu separately, individuallymix
深刻 šinkoku seriousmix
大怪我 ookega serious injurymix
召し使い mešicukai servant, menialmix
定食 teišoku set meal, special (of the day)mix
何度か nandoka several times, one or twicemix
複数 fukusuu several, plural, plurality, multiplemix
ミシン mišin sewing machinemix
kage shadowmix
浅見 senken shallow view, superficial ideamix
hadži shame, embarrassmentmix
死に恥 šinihadži shameful deathmix
無恥 muči shamelessmix
紹興酒 šoukoušu shaoxingjiu (Chinese alcohol made from rice or glutinous millet) (chi:)mix
砲丸 hougan shell, shots, cannon ballmix
šidžimi shijimi clam (corbicula japonica)mix
船舶 senpaku shipmix
船底 sentei; funazoko ship's bottom, bilge; ship's bottom, bilgemix
船長 senčou ship's captain/(P)mix
šou; masu (1)measuring container, measure, (2)box (seating at a theatre, etc.), (3)square on a grid, cell of a grid mix
焼酎 šoučuu shochu (Japanese liquor similar to vodka)mix
ショック šokku shockjlpt3, mix
将棋 šougi shogi, Japanese chess, xianqimix
短命 tanmei short life, short livedmix
品薄 šinausu shortage of stock, scarcity of goodsmix
双肩 souken shouldersmix
叫び sakebi shout, scream, outcrymix
嬉しい悲鳴 urešiihimei shriek of delight, cry of joymix
手裏剣 šuriken shuriken, small throwing blade, small edged weapon often used for throwing, throwing starmix
臆面 okumen shy facemix
内玄関 učigenkan side entrancemix
側面 sokumen side, flank, sidelight, lateralmix
溜め息 tameiki sighmix
サイン sain signmix
看板 kanban sign, signboard, doorplate, poster, billboard, appearance, figurehead, policy, attraction, closing timemix
調印国 čouinkoku signatory nationmix
有意 juui significancemix
兆し kizaši signs, omen, symptomsmix
無言の mugon no silencemix
粛々 šukušuku silent, solemn, quietmix
影像 eizou silhouettemix
銀牌 ginpai silver medalmix
銀メダル ginmedaru silver medalmix
銀山 ginzan silver minemix
銀器 ginki silver utensilsmix
比喩 hiju simile, metaphormix
弱火 jowabi simmering, low fire, gentle heatingmix
簡略 kanrjaku simple, simplicitymix
単純 tandžun simplicitymix
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