JLPT N3 (jlpt3)

Number of vocabulary: 1135
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning
kanji kana meaning randomReload
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俳優 haiyuu actor, actress, player, performerjlpt3
足す tasu addjlpt3, jlpt4, math
感心 kanshin admiration, Well done!jlpt3, suru
高齢 kourei advanced (old) agejlpt3
アドバイス adobaisu advicejlpt3, suru
確認 kakunin affirmation, confirmation, validationjlpt3, suru
また mata again, andjlpt3, jlpt5
応援 ouen aid, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting, barracking, support, cheeringjlpt3, suru
徹夜 tetsuya all night, all-night vigil, sleepless nightjlpt3, suru
すっかり sukkari all, quite, completelyjlpt3, jlpt4
ほとんど hotondo almost, hardlyjlpt3, jlpt4
必ず kanarazu always/without exception/necessarily/certainly/without fail/positively/invariably/(P)jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
アマチュア amachua amateurjlpt3
等々 toutou and so on, at last, finally, after alljlpt3
それで sorede and, thenjlpt3, jlpt4
怒り ikari anger, hatred, rage, wrathjlpt3
不安 fuan anxietyjlpt3, mix
少しも sukoshimo anything of, not one bit (with negative sentence)jlpt3
お詫び owabi apologyjlpt3
詫び wabi apology/excuse/(P)jlpt3
申請 shinsei application, request, petitionjlpt3, suru
申し込む moushikomu apply forgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
賛成 sansei approval, agreement, support, favour, favorjlpt3, suru
美術館 bijutsukan art galleryjlpt3, jlpt4
美術 bijutsu art, fine artsjlpt3
記事 kiji article/news story/report/account/(P)jlpt3, leda1
実は jitsuha as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, franklyjlpt3
相変わらず aikawarazu as ever, as usual, the samejlpt3
なるべく narubeku as much as possiblejlpt3, jlpt4
hai ash, ashesjlpt3
尋ねる tazuneru askjlpt3, jlpt4
やっと yatto at lastjlpt3, jlpt4
少なくとも sukunakutomo at leastjlpt3
出席 shusseki attendjlpt3, jlpt4
態度 taido attitude, manner, behaviourjlpt3
作者 sakusha author, authoressjlpt3, leda1, shigoto
平均 heikin averagejlpt3, math
焼く yaku bake, grilljlpt3, jlpt4, ryouri
バランス baransu balancejlpt3
ベランダ beranda balcony, verandahjlpt3, uchi
バーゲン ba-gen bargainjlpt3
バーゲンセール ba-gense-ru bargain salejlpt3
風呂 furo bathjlpt3, jlpt5, uchi
風呂場 furoba bathroomjlpt3, uchi
熱中する necchuu suru be addicted to (a hobby)jlpt3
飽きる akiru be boredemo, ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
壊れる kowareru be brokenichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
焼ける yakeru be burnedichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
込む komu be crowdedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
決まる kimaru be decidedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
見つかる mitsukaru be foundgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
間に合う maniau be in timegodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb
無くなる nakunaru be lostgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
直る naoru be repairedgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
零れる koboreru be spilled, shed tearsichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
味噌 miso bean pastejlpt3, jlpt4, ryouri
美容師 biyoushi beauticianjlpt3, shigoto
いつの間にか itsunomanika before one knows, before one becomes aware of, unnoticed, unawaresjlpt3
前もって maemotte beforehandjlpt3, mix
始め hajime beginningjlpt3, mix
感動 kandou being deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impressionjlpt3, mix
hara bellyhito, jlpt3
ベルト beruto beltfuku, jlpt3
ベンチ benchi benchjlpt3
yoko beside, sidejlpt3, jlpt5
バイク baiku bike, motorcyclejlpt3
生年月日 seinengappi birth datejlpt3, mix
誕生 tanjou birth, creation, formationjlpt3
故郷 furusato birthplacejlpt3, mix
ブラインド buraindo blindjlpt3
血液 ketsueki blood/(P)hito, jlpt3
ブラウス burausu blousefuku, jlpt3
体重 taijuu body weight (usu. one's own)/(P)hito, jlpt3, leda1
本棚 hondana bookshelvesjlpt3, jlpt5, uchi
退屈な taikutsuna boringadj, jlpt3
借り kari borrowing, debt, loanjlpt3
mune bosomhito, jlpt3
soko bottom, solejlpt3
ブレーキ bure-ki brakejlpt3
故障 koshou breakdownjlpt3, jlpt4
パンフレット panfuretto brochure, pamphletjlpt3
ブラウズ burauzu browse, browsingjlpt3
バス basu bus, bath, bassjlpt3, jlpt5, ryokou
名刺 meishi business cardjlpt3, shigoto
ブタン butan butanejlpt3, kagaku
ぜひ zehi by some means, without failjlpt3, jlpt4
kan can, tinjlpt3
カード ka-do cardjlpt3, mix
保護 hogo care, protection, shelter, safeguard, guardianship, favor, favour, patronage; care, protection, shelter, safeguard, guardianship, favor, favour, patronagejlpt3, suru
のんびり nonbiri carefree, at leisurejlpt3, suru
うっかり ukkari carelessly, thoughtlessly, inadvertentlyjlpt3, suru
不注意 fuchuui carelessness, inattention, thoughtlessnessjlpt3
捕まえる tsukamaeru catchjlpt3, jlpt4
原因 gen'in cause/origin/sourcejlpt3, jlpt4, leda1, suru, verb
中心 chuushin center, corejlpt3, leda1
挑戦 chousen challenge, defiancejlpt3, suru
変更 henkou change, modification, alteration, revision, amendmentjlpt3, suru
性格 seikaku character, personality, disposition, naturejlpt3
hoo cheekhito, jlpt3
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